
Link One Contact to Two Or More Accounts

Select Accounts >Search from the Main Menu.

  1. Enter the account's name in the Account Name field and select the Magnifier button.
  2. Highlight the account in the account list and select the Display button.
  3. The Business Header screen displays. Select the Contacts button.
  4. The Contact search screen displays. Delete the account's name from the field and enter the name of the desired contact. The name of the account disappears and the name of the Contact displays.
  5. Select the Display button. The contact's main information screen displays.
  6. Select the Relations tab. The Relations screen displays, with the name of the attached account (s) listed.
  7. With your down arrow key, highlight a blank row and select New Relation.
  8. From the Relationship pull-down menu, select the type of relationship.
  9. Select the OK button. The Account search screen displays.
  10. Enter the account's name in the Account Name field and select the Magnifier button.
  11. Select the account by checking the box to the left of the account's name.
  12. Select the OK button. The selected account should display on the Contact's relation grid.
  13. Select Close to exit.