Departures Not Checked Out
Departures Not Checked Out verifies that all guests expected to check out have actually checked out or have had their stay extended. A guest expected to depart or check out is known as a Due Out.
If there are no Due Outs, the system indicates this condition with the message No Reservations Found.
Any Due Outs who have not yet checked out or extended their stay are displayed in the In House Guest screen. The End of Day Routine process does not continue until you have resolved each guest's Due Out status. You may either (a) extend the guest or (b) check the guest out.
Use the In House Guest Search screen or Cashiering module from within the End of Day Sequence to check out a guest.
Note: If the Cashiering>Floating Cashier ID application parameter is set to Y and you do not have a cashier ID assigned to your user name, you will be prompted to select a cashier ID to use when performing the check outs.
When the CASHIERING > OPEN FOLIO application function is set to Y, Departures Not Checked Out identifies any checked out reservations having open folio status. See the discussion of Checkout with Open Folio and Post Stay Charging included in the Checkout topic.