In House Guest Search
The In House Guest Search screen appears at various points throughout the OPERA Cashiering system, whenever you must select the guests whose Billing screen you want to access for a Cashiering activity. For example, when you select Cashiering > Billing, the In House Guest Search screen allows you to identify the guest whose Billing screen you want to view or modify. Or, when you select Cashiering > Quick Check Out or Cashiering > Scheduled Check Out, the In House Guest Search screen allows you to search for the guest who is checking out so you can settle their bill and prepare their folio. The Transfer Type In House Guest Search screen appears when you are transferring transactions from the Billing screen or the Research screen.
To search for specific guests, enter your search criteria in the fields provided and select the Search button or press the Enter key on the keyboard. Records for all guests meeting your search criteria appear in the search results grid. Select the Clear button to remove all search entries. When selecting the Clear button, any manually entered search criteria is removed and all of the fields are defaulted back to their original values.
Room. Enter the guest's room number (or first part of the guest's room number). Specific room numbers can be entered, separated by a comma. For example, if you want to search for reservations for rooms 1001 and 1008, then you would enter 1001, 1008 and select the Search button to return only those two rooms. To find all rooms that start with 10 (e.g., 10, 101, 102, 1087, etc.) you would enter 10.
For reservations having a component room assigned, you may search using the component room number, or the first characters of the component room number, or an exact room number of one of the rooms that makes the component room. For example, component room S1012 consists of rooms 333 and 444. Searching for S1012 will return S1012; searching for 333 or 444 will also return S1012. Searching for S1 will return S1012 or any other rooms starting with S1.
You cannot search for a component room by using a partial room number of a room that makes up a component room. For example, searching for 33 will not return S1012 but would return 333 and possibly other rooms starting with 33.
Group. Enter the group name or partial group name to search for guests who are part of a group.
Company. Enter the name of the company or travel agent profile associated with the guest's reservation.
Party. When the RESERVATION > PARTY application function is set to Y, enter the party name or partial party name to search for guests who are part of a party.
Block. Enter the room block name or partial room block name to search for guests who are part of a room block allotment.
Reservation Status. Select the check boxes for the reservation statuses you want to use as a filter. The default is Stayovers and Due Outs.
Note: Selecting only the Checked Out option will display all reservations with a status of checked out and a departure date of today with a closed folio. If the CASHIERING > POST STAY CHARGES applications function is set to Y, all checked out and due out reservations having an open folio with posting privileges are included; the departure date for these reservations can be as far back as two days ago. See Pre Stay and Post Stay Charging Rules for details. To identify only those reservations that are checked out with an open folio, select the Open Folio reservation status check box (see Advanced Search Criteria).
Select the Advanced button to display additional search criteria.
Note: The Advanced button is available only if the CASHIERING > PRE STAY CHARGES and/or the CASHIERING > POST STAY CHARGES applications function is set to Y, or if the CASHIERING > NOSHOW AND CANCELLATION POSTINGS application function is set to Y.
Res. Type. Select the down arrow to choose reservation types.
Note: For use with No Shows and Cancellations reservation status searching, and Open Folio searching in conjunction with Arrival Dates and/or Departure Dates.
Arrival/Departure From/To Dates. Use these fields to specify date ranges to control your search. These fields are available when you select Open Balance, or when you select the Checked Out or Open Folio reservation status.
Arrival. Reservation arrival date range.
Departure. Reservation departure date range.
Reservation Status. Select the check boxes for the reservation statuses you want to use as a filter. The default is Stayovers and Due Outs. The Open Balance check box can be used to show reservations with a balance.
Note: If the CASHIERING > POST STAY CHARGES applications function is set to Y, selecting Checked Out will include reservations that are checked out with post-stay charges (the Post Stay indicator lamp displays when they are highlighted). See Pre Stay and Post Stay Charging Rules and Privileges for details.
To identify reservations that are checked out with an open folio, select the Open Folio reservation status check box. (Open Folio is available only if the CASHIERING > OPEN FOLIO application parameter is set to Y.)
Note: If the CASHIERING > PRE STAY CHARGES application function is set to Y, you may search for reservations having pre-stay charges by using the reservation arrival date (Arr. From and Arr. To fields). The Pre-Stay indicator lamp displays when these reservations are highlighted. See Pre Stay and Post Stay Charging Rules and Privileges for details.
Note: Cancellations and No Shows are not available when the In House Guest Search screen is accessed from the Fast Posting screen or the Batch Postings screen.
Open Balance. Select this check box to view reservations with an open balance.
Note: Open Balance and Open Folio are not available when the In House Guest Search screen is accessed from the Fast Posting screen.
CC No. Manually enter, or swipe the guest's credit card, to search for the reservation by the credit card number attached to the reservation. When the credit card icon displays at the end of the field, the Credit Card Vault functionality is active. See Credit Card Vault for details.
Note: For security reasons, if a credit card is swiped with the cursor in this field, the number associated with the credit card is initially displayed as a series of asterisks. The asterisks will resolve to the actual number once the Search button is selected.
Conf No. Enter either a confirmation number or a cancellation number for the reservation. One or more specific numbers can be searched on at a time by entering a comma between each number.
Mem. Type / No. Enter the Membership Program Type and/or the profile's complete Membership Number.
To select the guest or guests whose bill you want to view, click in the X column or highlight the reservation and press the spacebar. When a record is selected, it remains highlighted and a red X appears in the X column. To proceed, click the Select button (or any of the other buttons that may be available, depending on the Cashiering activity). If a specific record is not marked with an X and you choose the Select button, the record highlighted in blue displays. Up to 6 reservations may be selected.
If the hotel makes use of a Checkout message and the condition for the message applies to the selected guest, OPERA displays the message before opening the Billing screen. The Checkout message is to help you with the guest's checkout and could contain such information as "VIP guest. Call Duty Manager" or "Guest must return safe key."
Note: When the CASHIERING > AUTO OPEN SHARE WITHS application parameter is set to Y, and you select a guest who is sharing, bills for up to 6 related sharers are automatically opened in the Billing screen.
Once you have selected one or more guest bills to view, OPERA automatically posts any day use charges for any Day guest whose room charges have not been posted. This internal check ensures that the bill is completely up to date before the information is displayed.
If you entered a guest name or room number that does not uniquely identify the guest, OPERA will show you all matching entries in the search results grid. In other words, if you enter "Smith" in the Name field, OPERA may find two or more Smiths in the hotel, in which case you must use the information presented to identify which one you want to work with.
X. An X in this column indicates that the record is selected.
Room. Guest's room number.
Name. Guest's last name and first name. And the words Shared With, Persons Name will appear in blue on the bottom of the screen.
Alt. Name. If the GENERAL > EXTENDED BYTE application parameter is set to Y, multiple-byte character sets may be used to enter names in languages that require extended-byte (for example, Chinese). If the profile includes a double-byte name, it appears in this field.
Arrival. Arrival date on the guest's reservation.
Departure. Departure date on the guest's reservation.
Balance. Current balance due for the guest.
Lease Balance. Available when the RATES > APARTMENT STYLE BILLING application function is set to Y. (See Rate Header Tab for details.)
Note: When the RATES > APARTMENT STYLE BILLING application function is set to Y, the asb_flag transaction indicator marks each charge in the FINANCIAL_TRANSACTIONS table. Transactions that are flagged as [N]ightly Rental Posting and [W]aived Nights Rental Posting are included in the Lease Balance amount. Balance includes transactions that are flagged [A]partment Style Rental Cycle and [O]ffsetting Transactions for Rental Charge for an Apartment Style Rental Cycle, which includes the lump sum total lease amount.
Status. Guest's reservation status (e.g., CHECKED-IN, CHECKED-OUT, WALKIN, etc.)
Note: When the reservation has a status of No Show or Cancel, the CASHIERING > NOSHOWS AND CANCELLATION POSTINGS application function is set to Y, and a deposit for a reservation did not mature with night audit, then a message prompt will display when the Select button is selected asking the user if they would like to mature the deposit or not. Selecting either Yes or No will still take the user to the Billing screen.
Company. Company profile with which this guest reservation is associated.
Group. Group with which this guest reservation is associated.
Block Code. Block allotment with which this guest is associated.
Party. When the RESERVATION > PARTY application function is set to Y, the party that the reservation belongs to.
Source. Source profile with which this guest reservation is associated.
Rate Code. Rate Code associated with the guest's reservation.
Market. Market Code associated with the guest's reservation.
Adults. Number of adults included in this reservation.
Children. Number of children included in this reservation.
Resv Type. Reservation type.
Conf.No. Confirmation Number.
The Transfer Type In House Guest Search screen appears when you are transferring transactions from the Billing screen or the Research screen. This screen is similar to the In House Guest Search screen, but offers fewer search options and allows selection of only a single target reservation to receive transferred postings.
Room. Enter the guest's room number or first part of the guest's room number. Specific room numbers can be entered, separated by a comma, to be searched for. For example, if a user wants to search for Rooms 1001 and 1008, then the user would enter 1001, 1008 and select the Search button to return only those two rooms.
Name. Enter the guest's last name or partial name.
Group. Enter the group name or partial group name to search for guests who are part of a group.
Company. Enter the name of the company or travel agent profile associated with the guest's reservation.
Party. When the RESERVATION > PARTY application function is set to Y, enter the party name or partial party name to search for guests who are part of a party.
Block. Enter the room block name or partial room block name to search for guests who are part of a room block allotment.
CC No. Manually enter, or swipe the guest's credit card, to search for the reservation by the credit card number attached to the reservation.
Note: For security reasons, if a credit card is swiped with the cursor in this field, the number associated with the credit card is initially displayed as a series of asterisks. The asterisks will resolve to the actual number once the Search button is selected.
Res. Type. Select the down arrow to choose reservation types.
Conf. No. Enter either a confirmation number or a cancellation number for the reservation. Specific numbers can be searched on at a time by entering a comma between each number.
Open Balance. Select this check box to view reservations with an open balance.
No Shows. Select to include No Show reservations in the search results.
Cancellations. Select to include Cancelled reservations in the search results.
Open Folio. Select to include reservations that have an Open Folio in the search results.
See Also