Cashier Audit (finpayments with CAS12.FMX)
The Cashier Audit will display all Payments that have been posted for the selected Business Date. The user can filter on specific Cashiers and Payment Transaction Codes. Money taken in will display with a negative (-) sign in front of the amount and money paid out will display as a positive amount on the report.
Note: The finpayments report will reflect any Money Exchange ‘From’ the General Cashier. This means the finpayments report will NOT balance to the findeptcodes, finjrnlbytrans, or finjrnlbytrans2 reports if any monies have been given to a Cashier from the General Cashier.
Date. Enter the business date of the Payments or use the Calendar tool to select the date. The date must be less than or equal to the business date.
Cashier. Multi Select LOV of all Cashiers. The report will include only the payments posted by the selected cashiers.
Transaction Code. Multi Select LOV of all Transaction Codes that have been configured as Payments. The report will include only the selected Transaction Codes.
Note: The Cashiering>View Cash Transactions on Reports permission must be granted in order to select transaction codes configured for cash payment types.
Group By. Select from: Cashier, Transaction Code.