Function Space Seasonal Rates
Function Space Seasonal Rates allows you to define Function Space Rates by Date Range. When the application parameter type Function Space Seasonal Rates is set to Y, the ability to add, edit and delete Function Space Seasonal Rates becomes available (Configuration>Reservations>Function Space Classifications>Function Space Seasonal Rates).
Note: When accessing the Function Space Seasonal Rates screen via the Rooms - New or Rooms - Edit screen, some options might not be available from this screen.
Property. The property for which Function Space Seasonal Rates are to be configured.
Function Space. Selected Function Space for which to view all associated rate codes.
Rate Code. Displays the code used to identify rates associated with the selected Function Space.
Revenue Type. Displays the code used to identify revenue types associated with the rate code. See Revenue Type Definition for more details.
Rate Type. Displays rate class codes (Per Person or Per Room).
Rate. Displays the numeric value of the rate.
D. Displays whether the Rate Code is a default for an associated Function Space.
Start/End Date. Displays the start and end dates within which the seasonal rate code is valid.
Rate Amount. Displays the adjusted rate amount for the seasonal rate code.
Min Rev. Minimum Revenue to be charged for this function space.
Min. An X in this column indicates that this Rate Code requires an F&B Minimum when selected for an Event.
Note: The Min Rev. and Min. columns will only display if the application parameter Catering>Function Space Revenue Minimums is set to Y.
Adding or editing a Function Space Seasonal Rate is simple and straightforward process. Click New to display the Seasonal Rates - New screen, then define the fields as listed below.
Rate Code. The Rate Code used to identify the Rate Code to which the Seasonal Rate is attached. This field is auto populated when the screen is first opened and is based on the highlighted Rate Code.
Start/End Date. Enter the start/end dates within which the Seasonal Rate Code is valid.
Note: Dates for the same rate code cannot overlap.
Rate Amount. Enter the adjusted rate numeric value for the Seasonal Rate Code.
Enforce F&B Min. Select this option if this Rate Code requires an F&B Minimum.
F&B Minimum. Enter a value to be considered the minimum revenue for the Seasonal Rate Code.
Note: The Enforce F&B Min and F&B Minimum columns will only display if the application parameter Catering>Function Space Revenue Minimums is set to Y.
See Also