History - Stay Info
The Profile History feature is available when the PROFILES > HISTORY application function is set to Y.
To display the history of past and current reservations and stays for a profile (including turnaways), select the Stay Info button from the Profile History Details menu. The Profile History Details menu appears when you select the History button from the Profile Screen Options menu or the Reservation screen Options menu. (The Reservation Options menu is accessible from the Reservation screen or from the Reservation Search screen. The Profile Options menu is available from the Profile screen.)
Note: Additional history options may also be available, depending on the configuration of your system: Comp Revenue (if the OPP_GCA Comp Accounting PMS add-on license is active); and Revenue (if the Profiles > Profile Revenue Buckets application function is set to Y). Select Revenue to see revenue amounts for the profile in each of the revenue buckets set up for the property under revenue bucket type Profile. Select Comp. Revenue to see the amounts for the profile in each comp revenue bucket set up for the property.
This screen provides a record of each reservation associated with the current profile. Records are automatically entered into the history for each reservation made by the profile. The history includes records of Checked In, Due Out, Checked Out, No Show, and Cancelled reservations — as of the current business date. Also included, are Turnaways, Passerby Postings, AR Postings, and Credit Bills that may be attached to the profile.
When viewing the reservation history for an individual profile, reservations are listed in descending order by reservation arrival date (most recent arrival to least recent arrival).
When viewing the reservation history for a company, source, group or travel agent profile, reservations made directly on the company, source, group or travel agent will be shown first, in descending order by reservation arrival date, in the grid. These records are followed by reservations to which the company, source, group, or travel agent was linked, in descending order by reservation arrival date.
Note: Stays that were transferred to OPERA via data migration using OXI, if any, are included in the history.
Reservation records can be entered manually, for example, if your property wants to include reservations histories for reservations made prior to the introduction of OPERA. (See Adding and Editing a Reservation History, below.) When a record has been entered manually, a green background is displayed for the record.
Select the Resv button to display a view-only Reservation screen for the stay highlighted in the History screen grid. Select the View Folio button to display the Folio History screen for the highlighted stay. (These buttons are not available if the reservation history was added manually.)
Passerby Postings (when the Cashiering > Passerby application function is set to Y), AR Postings (when the Cashiering > Accounts Receivables application function is set to Y), and Credit Bill (when the Cashiering > Credit Bill application parameter is set to Y) records are displayed with a purple background.
Property. (Available when the OPP MHOT Multi-property PMS add-on license is active, or if the OPR <version number> ORS license code is active.) Select the down arrow to display the Properties list. Choose the properties to display the guest's reservation history. The login property is displayed here by default.
Note: In multi-property PMS environments, the Property list of values that appears when you select the Property down arrow shows those properties that are designated as alternates in the Property Details Multi-Property setup for the login property. (The alternates must also designate the login property as one of their alternates.) You can select the listed properties to see the statistics related to the chosen properties. In addition to the base OPP_MHOT Multi-property license code being active, the OPP_MHT2 (Multi-property Cross Reservations and OPP_ MHT3 (Multi-property Cross Revenues) add-on licenses must be active in order to include stays and revenue statistics from the alternates in the multi-property cluster.
Currency Code. Available when the Rates > Multi Currency application parameter is set to Y. Select the down arrow and choose a currency code to search for reservations having a rate code configured in that currency. The default is the local property currency code.
These three option buttons appear when the History screen is accessed from Profile > Option > History > Stay Info or Revenue.
l The Profile Stats & Info revenue data does include the current day's postings.
l Revenues posted to passerby are included (once the business date is closed).
l Revenues posted in AR are included (once the business date is closed).
l Data associated with legacy and manually entered reservations and revenues are included. The reservation arrival date determines the year of a manually entered reservation history record.
l When transactions are routed to another room or to a PM (posting master), associated revenue are reflected only under the routed-to reservation or PM. The Room Nights and Reservation Nights are associated with the original reservation.
For additional details about the data on this screen, see Understanding Profile Statistics in OPERA.)
The following fields are available on this screen.
Property. Property for which the reservation was made. Available when the OPP_MHOT Multi-Property add-on license is active.
Arrival. Guest's arrival date for reservation history. If the record is for a Passerby Posting, AR Posting, or Credit Bill, then this column is populated with the business date that the posting was made.
Departure. Guest's departure date. If the record is for a Passerby Posting, AR Posting, or Credit Bill, then this column is populated with the same business date as the Arrival Date.
Room/Fol. Room assigned to the guest or the number assigned to the folio for the posting.
Room Type. Room type for the guest's room or posting type (Passerby, AR Credit Bill) made for the record.
Rate. Nightly rate paid for the guest's room.
Note: If the Rates > Multi Currency application parameter is set to Y and rate codes are configured in various currencies, the rate amount displayed is based on the currency of the rate code.
Rate Code. Rate code attached to the reservation.
Adults. Number of adults on the reservation.
Child. Number of children on the reservation.
Name. Guest's name (last name, first name). An asterisk before the name indicates a share.
Block. If this reservation was or is part of a business block, the block code is displayed here.
Mkt. Code. Market code attached to the reservation.
Src. Code. Source code attached to the reservation.
Company. If this reservation was attached to a company, it appears here.
Agent. If this reservation was attached to an agent, it appears here.
Source. If this reservation was attached to a source, it appears here.
Group. If this reservation was attached to a group, it appears here.
Contact. If a reservation contact was attached to this reservation, the name appears here.
Res. Status. Reservation status (for example, No Show, Cancelled, Checked In, Checked Out).
Total Rev. Total revenue consumed by the guest during the stay.
Room Rev. Room revenue (room rate and tax) that was charged to the guest during the stay.
F&B Rev. Food and beverage revenue that was charged to the guest during the stay. (To be counted as food and beverage revenue, a transaction must be included in the Food and Beverage transaction group in Transaction Code Setup.)
Extra Rev. Any additional revenue (other than room and food and beverage) consumed by the guest during the stay.
Non Rev. Monies, attributable to this guest, taken in by the property that are not considered as revenue to the property (for example, taxes). (If the Revenue Group check box is not selected on the Transaction Code Setup screen, the transaction is handled as non-revenue.)
TA Rec. Loc. Travel agent record locator on the reservation. Available when the Reservations > TA Record Locator application parameter is set to Y.
Note: You can right click in any of the column headings and select the Modify Grid option to customize the search results display.
Select the Summary button to display the History Summary screen, which shows the profile's reservation and revenue history in year-by-year summary form.
The following fields are shown on this screen for each year specified. For the current year, information is accurate up through the date of the most recent end-of-day processing.
Year. Calendar year that includes the reservation arrival date.
Room Nights. Number of overnight stays this guest had.
Arrival Rooms. Number of stays this guest had.
Cancel Rooms. Number of canceled reservations this guest had
No Show Rooms. Number of no-show reservations this guest had.
Day Use Rooms. Number of stays that did not include an overnight. The guest checked in and checked out on the same date.
A.D.R. (Average Daily Revenue). Average revenue from each day the guest stayed.
Total Revenue. Total amount of revenue generated by the guest. This total is the sum of Room Revenue, F&B Revenue, and Extra Revenue.
Room Rev. Total room revenue this guest has consumed. Room revenue includes revenue derived from packages.
F&B Revenue. Total food and beverage revenue that this guest has consumed. (To be counted as food and beverage revenue, a transaction must be included in the Food and Beverage transaction group in Transaction Code Setup.)
Extra Revenue. Total miscellaneous revenue (other than rooms and food and beverage) that this guest has consumed .
Non Revenue. Total monies for the year, attributable to this guest, that are not considered as revenue to the property (for example, taxes). (If the Revenue Group check box is not selected on the Transaction Code Setup screen , the transaction is handled as non-revenue.)
Res. Nights. Number of nights, including any nights where the guest was sharing a room.
Res. Arrivals. Number of stays, including stays where the guest was sharing a room.
No Show Res. Number of no-show reservations, including reservations where the guest was sharing a room.
Day Use Res. Number of day use reservations, including reservations where the guest was sharing a room.
Total. Displays the accumulated totals for each column.
Note: Passerby revenue activity (e.g., restaurant charges incurred while the individual is not staying at the property) are not included in the profile history and are therefore not reflected in the data shown on the History Summary screen.
Note: The following displays how the statics are calculated when the reservation_history record spans over more than one year.
Room Nights: Each day is counted in its own year and the departure date is not counted at all.
Arrival Rooms: Only counted in the year of the actual arrival date.
Cancel Rooms: Only counted in the year of the actual arrival date.
No Show Rooms: Only counted in the year of the actual arrival date.
Day Use Rooms: Cannot span over two years because it is only one day.
All of the Revenues: Divided by the number of stay days. Each year gets a proportional value. For example, Arrival = 29-DEC-07, Departure = 03-JAN-08, Total Revenue = $500.00 -> 5 days in total, $100.00 per day. 2007: 3 Days, $300.00 2008: 2 Days, $200.00
All of the Res. Values: Only counted in the year of the actual arrival date of the reservation and all reservations are included.
Select the Points button to display the Membership Points History screen, showing the number of points per membership that this guest has. If no memberships apply to this profile then this button will not be shown.
The following fields are shown on this screen.
Property. Select the down arrow to display the Properties list. Choose the property to display the membership points belonging to the current guest. (This feature is available if the OPP MHOT Multi-property PMS add-on license is active, or if the OPR <version number> ORS license code is active.)
Type. Membership program type.
Card Number. Guest's membership card number.
Level. Guest's membership level.
Base Points. Number of base points.
Bonus Points. Number of bonus points.
Total. Total number of points.
Select the Turnaway button to display the Turnaway Statistics screen. (This button appears on the History screen if the Reservations > Turnaways application parameter is set to Y.) The Turnaway Statistics screen shows a record of each turnaway associated with the current guest. If no turnaways apply to this profile then this button will not be available.
Arrival. Proposed arrival date.
Departure. Proposed departure date.
Rooms. Number of rooms requested.
Reason. Reason the reservation could not be accepted.
User. User ID of the OPERA user who handled the request.
Date. Date the request was made.
Market Code. Market code associated with the request.
When you select the New or Edit button, the Reservation History screen appears.
Note: When creating a new reservation history, if more than one property is selected in the Property search field, you are prompted to choose the property for which the reservation history is to be made. If only one property is selected in the Property field, the reservation history will default to that property.
The Reservation History screen allows you to manually add reservation history records and change reservation history records that have been added manually. (The Edit button is available only when you highlight a record that has been added manually.) Records added manually using this screen will have a blue bar to the left of the Arrival field on the History screen. The Points, Resv, and View Folio buttons will not be available on the History screen for manually entered records.
Note: Revenue data provided via manually entered reservation records is not included in revenue reports generated from the OPERA database.
The following fields of information can be added to the reservation history.
Arrival. Use the calendar tool or manually type in the date to select the arrival year, month and day.
Departure. Use the calendar tool or manually type in the date to select the departure year, month and day.
Res. Date. Date the reservation was created.
Confirmation No. Reservation confirmation number.
CRS No. Confirmation number from a central reservation system, if applicable. This field accepts an alphanumeric entry.
Room Type. Select the down arrow to display the Room Types list of values (e.g., deluxe double, deluxe king, standard double, etc.). Choose a room type from the list.
Rate Code. Select the down arrow to display the Rate Code list of values. Choose a rate code for this reservation.
Room. Select the down arrow to display a list of rooms. Choose the room assigned for this reservation.
Rate Amount. Nightly room rate.
Room Revenue. Room revenue associated with this reservation.
F&B Revenue. Food and beverage revenue associated with this reservation.
Extra Revenue. Miscellaneous additional revenue associated with this reservation.
Non Revenue. Monies not considered direct revenue to the property (e.g., taxes) associated with this reservation.
Payment Amount. Total amount received from the guest for this stay.
Adults. Number of adults for this reservation.
Children. Number of children staying under this reservation.
Guest. Guest's name. The guest's name field is populated using the name of the guest whose history is currently displayed.
Company. Select the down arrow to display company profiles in the Profile Search screen. Choose the company that is associated with this reservation, or create a new profile.
Agent. Select the down arrow to display travel agent profiles in the Profile Search screen. Choose the travel agent that is associated with this reservation, or create a new profile.
Source. Select the down arrow to display source profiles in the Profile Search screen. Choose the source associated with this reservation, or create a new profile.
Group. Select the down arrow to display group profiles in the Profile Search screen. Choose the group associated with this reservation, or create a new profile.
Reservation Status. (This is a required field.) Select the down arrow to display the Reservation Status list of values. Choose the status for this reservation.
Membership Type. If the guest has a Frequent Flier membership, enter the type here (e.g., Delta, AA).
Membership Number. If the guest has a Frequent Flier membership, enter the membership number here.
Payment Method. Select the down arrow to display the Payment Methods list of values. Choose a payment method (e.g., Visa, MasterCard, American Express, cash, check, direct bill) from the list.
Credit Card Type. If a credit card payment method was selected in Payment Method, this field automatically populates with the credit card type.
Credit Card No. Guest's credit card number. This field is not editable for manually entered history records.
Credit Card Expiry. Credit card expiration date. This field is not editable for manually entered history records.
Market Code. Select the down arrow to display the Market Code list of values. Choose a market code from the list.
Source Code. Select the down arrow to display the Source Code list of values. Choose a source code from the list.
Origin. Select the down arrow to display the Origins list of values. Choose a category of business channel (e.g., central reservations offices, GDS members) from which this reservation originated.
Cancellation No. If this reservation was canceled, enter the cancellation number.
Cancellation Date. Use the calendar tool or manually type in the date to select the cancellation year, month and day.
Cancelled By. Name of the staff member who handled the cancellation.
See Also