

Use the Addresses screen to add multiple addresses to a profile. To access the screen, select the ellipsis button next to the Address field or the Addresses indicator lamp (if multiple addresses already exist) on the Profile screen. You can also access this screen by selecting the Addresses indicator lamp from the Profile Search screen (if multiple addresses already exist).

The Addresses screen (called the Select AR Address screen) is also available by selecting the ellipsis button on the AR Address field on the AR Setup Account screen. (Only available when the CASHIERING > ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE application function is set to Y.)

Note: This screen is screen paintable. Field location and access sequence can be modified on this screen to best suit a more logical data entry sequence. To modify either the field location or access sequence of fields on this screen go to Configuration > Setup > Screen Design > Screen Painter > Profiles > Profile Address.

To display only the primary address, select the Show Primary Only check box. This check box is not available when the Addresses screen is accessed from AR (that is, by selecting the ellipsis button on the AR Address field on the Setup Account screen.) The Addresses screen shows the following information.

Address. Searches within the Address columns.

City. Searches within the City column.

Postal Code. Searches within the Postal Code column.

Profile Name. Name of the profile for which this screen displays addresses. This field is view only.

X. An X in this column indicates that this address is the primary address for the profile. The primary address displays on the Profile screen and is used by default on guest folios and other OPERA reports. To select an address as the primary address, highlight the entry and select the Primary button. Only one address can be selected as the primary address. This field is not available when the Addresses screen is accessed from AR (that is, by selecting the ellipsis button on the AR Address field on the Setup Account screen).

Address Type. Address type. For example, Home Address, Business Address, AR Address. These address types are set up in Configuration > Profiles > Address Types. This field is not available when the Addresses screen is accessed from AR (that is, by selecting the ellipsis button on the AR Address field on the Setup Account screen). When the Addresses screen is accessed from within AR, the addresses shown are AR addresses by default.

Language. Language for the address.

Address1. Line 1 of the mailing address.

Address2. Line 2 of the mailing address.

City. City portion of the address.

Postal Code. Postal code for the address.

State. After you have selected a country, select the down arrow to choose a state or province for the address.

Country. Select the down arrow to choose the country for the address.

Address3. Line 3 of the mailing address.

Extension. Postal code extension.

Created On. Date and time the profile was created.

Last Updated. Date and time the profile was last updated.

Upd by Property. When the OPP_MHOT Multi-Property Base add-on license is active, displays the Property code that last updated the address.


Translate. (ORS/OCIS or PMS/OCIS integrated environment only. Available when the GENERAL > ALTERNATE NAME and GENERAL > AUTO ALTERNATE NAME TRANSLATE application functions are set to Y.) Select to manually translate a highlighted foreign address into its equivalent English address.

Delete. Select to delete the highlighted address. The address cannot be deleted if the account/profile is currently using it. When an address is deleted on a profile, the record will become inactive in OPERA; not deleted. The inactive record will be removed after 30 days by the purge process. Prior to these 30 days, the address record can be reactivated if added back to the profile.

Primary. Select this button to make the highlighted address the primary address. (This button is not available if the highlighted address is already the primary address. This button is not available when the Addresses screen is accessed from AR (that is, by selecting the ellipsis button on the AR Address field on the Setup Account screen.)

Select. This button is available when the Addresses screen is accessed from AR (that is, by selecting the ellipsis button on the AR Address field on the Setup Account screen). Select this button to use the highlighted address as the AR Address for the profile. (See Creating an AR Address, below.) The Select button is also available when the PROFILES > DEFAULT FOLIO ADDRESS application parameter is active and when the Addresses screen is accessed via Profile > More fields tab > select the Default Folio Address drop-down list > Profile Search screen > select any profile > OK. Click this button after highlighting an address to make it the default folio address. This button toggles with Unselect. The address cannot be edited except for the association of the Elements, and it cannot be marked as Primary or deleted. When highlighted, the text Default Folio Address appears in blue in the lower left of the screen to indicate that it is a default folio address. The address type is the same as the one from the original profile it was selected from and there can only be one default folio address for an individual profile.

Adding and Editing Addresses

To create a new address, select the New button. To edit an existing address, highlight your choice and select the Edit button.

Note: The Edit button may only allow you to view address information and not edit that information, depending on your permissions.

The Add/Edit Address screen appears.

Address Type. Select an address type.

Note: This field is not available when the Add/Edit Address screen is accessed from within AR (that is, by selecting the ellipsis button on the AR Address field on the Setup Account screen). In AR, the address is automatically saved as address type AR Address. In addition, if you are working outside of AR, when an AR Address is displayed in the Add/Edit Address screen, the address type cannot be changed.

Address. Enter the mailing address on these three lines.

City. Enter the city portion of the address.

Country. Select the down arrow to choose the country for this address.

State. Select the down arrow to choose the state or province for this address.

Postal Code/Extension. Enter the postal code and postal code extension for this address. Zip code extensions can be added or edited to a profile in ORS and PMS and the zip code extensions are successfully transferred between the two systems. (Ext. is a screen paintable field.)


Based on the Country and Postal Code selections here, after saving the Primary address and closing, if the Country and Postal Code combination has been configured with a linked Territory (Configuration > Profile > Geographical Data > Cities and Postal Codes), the territory field for the address will default in the screen from where the Addresses screen was called (either the account or contact screen).

When a Country has been selected before entering the Postal Code, OPERA will auto fill the City and State fields. When two or more cities/districts are associated with the same postal code, a Cities LOV appears. This LOV shows the cities/districts associated with the postal code to allow you to make a selection.

If you enter a City before selecting a Country and entering the Postal Code, the Cities LOV will not be displayed. If the District field has been screen painted on the Address screen, the district associated with the city you entered (if any) will be displayed.

Primary. Select this check box if you want this address to be the primary address. If another address has already been selected as primary, this address will supersede it as the primary address. You will be prompted to indicate whether you want the address attached to any current and future reservations for this profile to be changed.

District. District associated with the profile address. This field can be screen painted onto the Address screen. This field is view only.

Language. Select the down arrow to choose the language for this address.

Cleansed. Available if an external address cleansing interface is licensed (e.g., the OPP_ADDO Address Doctor Interface) and the PROFILE > ADDRESS CLEANSING application parameter is set to Y. Address validation can be applied to the address information when the profile is created or when the address is edited. This check box is automatically selected after the address has been validated.  To re-validate an address change, edit the appropriate address elements and uncheck the Cleansed check box. The address will be validated when you select the OK button. See Address Doctor Setup and Address Cleansing Result for details.

Elements. Click this button to open the Elements screen to enter an account number and cost center.

Creating AR Addresses

When creating a new AR Account for a profile that does not have an AR Address attached to it, the profile address will be copied over into the Select AR Address screen. A new AR address with an AR Address address type must be selected (by highlighting the address and selecting the Select button) before advancing to the Setup Account screen. If the profile that the account is being created for already has multiple AR addresses attached to it that have not yet been assigned to another AR Account, the user can select one of the AR addresses from the list. After selecting or creating the address for the new account, the AR Account Setup Account screen appears.

When AR accounts already exist, then the AR Accounts lamp is displayed. Click the lamp to see the AR Account Numbers that exist for the address and for which properties. See Indicator Lamps for details.

AR Account Number Handling

AR Addresses can be transferred from ORS to OPMS via a profile XML message. To accomplish this, the OXI HANDLE RESORT AR NUMBERS parameter settings are used to determine how to handle the incoming AR numbers.

When HANDLE RESORT AR NUMBERS is set to FULLOVERLAY, all received AR Numbers for the property will get inserted or updated. For new AR numbers OXI will copy the primary address of the profile as AR address. Existing AR numbers will only get deleted if the ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLES parameter is set to N.

When HANDLE RESORT AR NUMBERS is set to MERGE, incoming AR numbers will only get merged with existing Resort AR Numbers.

When HANDLE RESORT AR NUMBERS is set to IGNORE, incoming AR numbers will be ignored.

See Also