Part 1 - Set Up External System for Exports
In part 1, you will configure the external system for the OBI export and upload the exports to the Cloud. To accomplish this, the OXI-HUB Servlet and Datamart interface will need to be updated. These items must be set up for the exports to be successfully uploaded. In addition, the OXI Datamart processor must be installed.
Part 1 of implementing OBI Cloud functionality involves 3 steps:
On the Cloud side, the OXI-HUB servlet must be configured to accept the OBI exports. Based on the OPERA Application Server configuration in the Central OBI System, the OXI-HUB servlet (named "Export Receiver") will receive the OBI exports and place the data into a temp table.
Note: The OXI-HUB Servlet update is done on the Cloud side. This update should only be completed if the Cloud is not set up.
Note: If not already installed, install the OXI Datamart processor. The Datamart processor will be used to upload the OBI exports.
Note: Be sure the Run the interface initialization scripts check box option is NOT selected. If this option is selected, the processor will be installed for all properties in the schema.
On the client side in OXI, you will set up the Datamart interface to export files from OPERA to external systems.
The OXI processor will now pick up the OBI exports and post them to the Cloud.
In PMS, the OBI exports will be sent in the Night Audit Exports process. In ORS, you will need to use OPERA Scheduler to schedule the BI Client - Export Daily Data to BI Cloud job for the export.
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