Oracle Connection Information for OPERA Schema
Refer to the following image and the table below for information on configuring the Oracle connection information for the OPERA schema:
Field |
Description |
User Name |
Enter the schema name that you are connecting to. Typically, this is OPERA. |
Password |
Enter the password of the schema you are connecting to. Typically OPERA. |
Connection String |
Enter the Oracle alias as defined in the TNSNAMES file. Typically OPERA. |
Connection Pool |
Select True to use connection pooling or False to not use it. |
Check Oracle Connection |
Initially, this field displays one of two buttons; either Connected or Not Connected. Select the appropriate button to connect to or disconnect from Oracle. |
Max Pool Size |
The maximum number of connections in a pool. The recommended value is 20, but this value can vary depending on traffic volume and other factors. Note: If this is for an ADS installation and the number of threads used for the Expedia AVH service (set up on the ADS Configuration screen of the OEDS Configuration Editor), the maximum number of connections in a pool must be increased to 50. |
Connection Lifetime (in Minutes, 5 is recommended) |
Select the database connection lifetime in minutes. The old connection pool will be cleared and new connections will be made every few minutes based on the frequency selected here. Note: This value can be set to 0. |
Clear Connection Pool |
(Only for OAP Availability Service) Select YES to clear connection pool based on the Connection Lifetime that is set. |
When you have entered all of the information, select the Next > button. The wizard attempts to connect to the Oracle database.
See Also |