Hurdles Report (orms_hurdles_report with GENREPPAR.FMX)
The Hurdles Report displays the currently active hurdles along with their overridden information, such as overridden amounts, dates, and by whom the hurdles were overridden: the system or user.
Hurdle From. Hurdle Date for which the user wants to start displaying data on the report.
Hurdle To. Last Hurdle Date for which the user wants to display data on the report.
Yield Category. Yield Category for which hurdle history should be displayed. The options on the LOV are:
Date. The date of arrival when the hurdle is in effect (within the date range specified in the Parameters). The associated hurdle yield category, LOS, and associated hurdle information displays.
Yield Category. Displays the selected Yield Category.
LOS. Length of Stay for the Yield Category. Only the number of days for LOS displays based on your configured Maximum Length of Stay. In the example below, there are no restrictions and the hurdles apply to all days.
Active. The currently active hurdle amount in OPERA.
System. The hurdle amount as generated by ORMS.
Override. The overridden amount, where applicable.
Override By. Who (user name) overrode the value, where applicable.
Override Date. Date when the hurdle was overridden, where applicable.
See Also