
ORS Profile Match & Merge

The Match & Merge functionality is designed to increase the data integrity of profiles within the database when profiles are sent from properties to ORS. As long as accurate data is entered in the property, and standardization of data entry is adhered to by all properties, the interface will produce the desired results. It is critical that all rules described in this document are followed.


This outlines the Match & Merge functionality related to receiving and sending profiles between ORS and an external system. In the sample below the systems include V6 PMS, V3 (property interface), OXI_HUB (central interface), and ORS. All profiles sent from the external system to ORS will be inserted directly into the database as New Profile, Update Existing Profile, and Stage with status of MATCHES_FOUND or INVALID.   

The first step of Match & Merge is the validation of data in the STAGE_PROFILES tables. All conversion code configuration is done in OXI_HUB. If a profile does not pass validation it will stage in the Suspended Profiles with a status of INVALID, where user intervention is needed. Once a profile has a status of VALID it will look at all OXI_PROFILE parameter values in OXI_HUB and at the Merge Rules in ORS to determine if the profile stages with a status of MATCHFOUND, or if it inserts into the ORS database.

The Components of ORS Match & Merge

The ORS Match & Merge consists of the following components for configuration:

The ORS Match & Merge consists of the following components for profile handling:

See Also