Out of Order/Service
Rooms may be unavailable for assignment to guests for various reasons. OPERA lets you define rooms that were removed from use for Out of Order and Out of Service reasons. Using the Out of Order option you can take a room out of order or out of service for a certain amount of time. Both the Out of Order and Out of Service status codes prevent you from assigning these rooms to reservations. The difference between the two status codes is that Out of Order rooms are taken out of availability while Out of Service rooms remain in availability. Out of Order means that the room is not for sale because it needs repairs. The Out-Of-Service status is used if you want to block a floor or wing in the hotel due to low season, cleaning, etc. The out-of- service rooms stay in the availability, of course, because an Out of Service room can be sold if the need arises. It is possible to place an Out of Order/Out of Service block for any given date or period in the future. It is not possible to take an occupied or reserved room to a status of Out of Order. The ROOMS MANAGEMENT > OUT OF SERVICE and the ROOMS MANAGEMENT > OUT OF ORDER application functions control the availability of these features.
Select Rooms Management > Out of Order/Out of Service (or Rooms Management > Out of Order or Rooms Management > Out of Service, depending on the property's application function settings) to access the Out of Order/Service screen. The Out of Order/Service option is also available via Sales & Catering > Miscellaneous > Out of Order/Service when the OPS_<version number> OPERA Sales & Catering license is active.
The Out of Order/Service option lets you take the room out of order or out of service and enter a reason for doing so. In the Room Plan (Ctrl+F3) the reasons are indicated for every day that the room is out of order. Out of order rooms are also shown in the House Status (Shift+F3) and in the Control Panel (Shift+F2) availability breakdown. If you try to assign an Out of Order room to a guest, OPERA will display a Room is out of order message.
Note: When the OPV_<version number> OPERA Vacation Ownership System license code is active, and an Out of Order room is designated or modified that has an owner (status of Actual) assigned to it, that room is not included in the property inventory that is transferred to ORS (OPR>version number>ORS active license code). OXI excludes owner rooms when transferring Out of Order status messages to ORS, thus not including the room in the inventory room count. The room count XML messages can be viewed in OXI > Interface Status > Messages to External System. View the Inventories tag <Inventories>, Room Count <roomCount>0</roomCount>. The actual room will only be displayed in the OPERA Vacation Ownership System Contracts screens. For more information on OPERA Vacation Ownership System Owner functionality, see Owner Tab.
For Date. Today's date is the default. Enter a new date or choose from the calendar to view out of order/out of service rooms for the selected date. Leaving this date blank when completing a search will return all of the out of order/service rooms from the current business date and any dates in the future.
Room. Enter a specific room number to search for, or select the down arrow to choose from a list of rooms.
Room Class. Select a room class to query from. This option is visible only when the GENERAL > ROOM CLASS application function is set to Y.
Room Type. Select the down arrow to display the Room Types list of values (e.g., deluxe double, deluxe king, standard double, etc.). Choose a room type from the list.
Out of Order. Displays all rooms with an Out of Order status.
Out of Service. Displays all rooms with an Out of Service status.
Rotation. Available when OPV_<version number> OPERA Vacation Ownership license is active and the OWNERSHIP > OOO/OOS ROTATION POINTS application parameter is set to Y, select to display the rooms that have been selected to Calculate Rotation while they are in a Out of Order/Out of Service status.
Room. Room number. Click on the room number to display a separate window that includes a picture and a description of the room.
Status. Displays if the room is out of order (OO) or out of service (OS).
Note: When this screen is called from the Function Space Configuration screen using the Close OWS button, only the status 'Closed for Web' (available when the permission EVENT SPACE > WEB CLOSE SPACE is granted) displays here. This status is only available when the following conditions are met: the license codes Webservices Sales & Catering WCS_XXX or Webservices Conference Center WCC_XXX must be active, the function space itself has been designated as 'bookable via the web', but the function space has a need to be made unavailable for booking via the web.
From Date. The starting date that the room will be out of order/service.
Through Date. The date in which the room comes out of the out of order/service status.
Return As. Indicates the housekeeping room status once the room is taken off the out of order/service status.
Reason. Reason the room has been put on the out of order/service status.
Remarks. Displays the remarks of what is occurring in the room, such as maintenance.
Resv. (Available if there is a reservation associated with this room.) Select to display the reservation.
Copy. Sometimes you will need to shut down a whole floor or a number of rooms. The carpet cleaner might come to clean the whole third floor at once, for example. In this case you create only one entry and then select Copy to enter all room numbers that will be out of order/service at the same time to other rooms in the Room List.
New. Create a new entry.
Note: The New button is only available when a user has the ROOMS MANAGEMENT > OOO NEW/EDIT and ROOMS MANAGEMENT > OOS NEW/EDIT permissions granted.
Edit. Modify an existing record.
Note: The Edit button is only available when a user has the ROOMS MANAGEMENT > OOO NEW/EDIT and ROOMS MANAGEMENT > OOS NEW/EDIT permissions granted. Also if multiple out of order/out of service rooms are selected, this button is only available when both the ROOMS MANAGEMENT > OUT OF ORDER and ROOMS MANAGEMENT > OUT OF SERVICE application functions are set to Y. If only one of the application functions is set to Y, then this button is unavailable when multiple rooms are selected.
Delete. Delete an entry. When an Out of Order room is deleted the status of the room will be set to the value the user picks as the ‘Return Status’ during the deletion process. When deleting an out-of-order room for a future date, a prompt screen is displayed to notify the user that the room record was deleted or repaired and has a return status of the default status for the room before it was put in the out-of-order status, for example, 'Repair record deleted/completed for room 1002 with return status Clean.'
Note: When deleting an OOO or OOS entry from the option Rooms Management > Out of Order/Service on the start date or for any future OOO/OOS, the room_repair record is deleted. If however, the OOO/OOS was already active for 1 day and a deletion is performed, the Completed Date is set to 11:59:59 PM on the previous business date. This is done to indicate that the room is available for sale on the current business date.
Select the New button to place a new room in OOO or OOS status. The Out of Order/Service - New screen appears. To edit the status for a room already in OOO or OOS status, highlight your choice and select the Edit button on the Out of Order/Service screen.
The room number selected from the Room Plan screen automatically populates into the Room List field of the Out of Order/Service - New screen when selecting the OOO / OOS button from Room Plan screen.
Room List. Select the down arrow to choose the rooms that are either out of order or out of service.
Room. Available only when Editing out of order/out of service rooms. Room number that is out of order/out of service.
From/To Room. Select the down arrow to display the room number list and select a range of room numbers you want to place out of order or out of service.
Floor. Select to filter the floor.
Features. Select to filter the feature.
Task. Select to filter the task.
Building. Select to filter the building.
AM Section. Select to filter the Housekeeping AM section to which the room is assigned.
PM Section. Select to filter the Housekeeping PM section to which the room is assigned.
Room Status. Select to filter the room status: Clean or Dirty.
FO Status. Select to filter the Front Office status of the room.
Odd Rooms / Even Rooms. Select to filter odd or even room numbers.
From/Through Date. Display the calendar screen and choose the desired dates to change the rooms' status. The default From and Through Dates are the current business date. The From and Through Dates cannot be earlier than the current business date. The out of order/out of service room will automatically be returned to inventory during end of day processing for the Through Date.
To take off the out of order/out of service status for a room and immediately put it back into inventory for the current date, you must Delete the out of order/out of service room record on the Out of Order/Service screen. Even though the record has been deleted for the rooms to be returned to inventory, the out of order/out of service history for the room will not be deleted.
The Through Date can never be set to further than five years out from the current date. If you attempt to set the date further out than five years, OPERA will display a message urging you to correct the oversight.
When setting rooms OOS/OOO for future dates, they will not show as Dirty Rooms on the Manager Report (manager_report with STA5.FMX) on the morning the status changes to OS/OO, even if they are occupied.
Status. Default is Out of Order when the ROOMS MANAGEMENT > OUT OF ORDER application function is set to Y. You can also use Out of Service if the ROOMS MANAGEMENT > OUT OF SERVICE application function is set to Y.
Return Status. Decide whether the status of the room should be clean or dirty after it is taken back into service. If the property uses the inspected room status (available when the ROOMS MANAGEMENT > USE INSPECTED STATUS application parameter is set to Y), you can choose between inspected, clean and dirty. Select the down arrow to display the drop down box that allows for the following status options: Clean shows the room as being clean and now in service. Dirty alerts Housekeeping that this room needs to be cleaned. Pickup (available only if the ROOMS MANAGEMENT > PICKUP STATUS [Activate Pickup Functionality] application function is set to Y) requires this room to have a final cleanliness check performed and then to be completely inspected to ensure its condition for service.
Calculate Rotation. Available when OPV_<version number> OPERA Vacation Ownership license is active and the OWNERSHIP > OOO/OOS ROTATION POINTS application parameter is set to Y, select the check box to calculate rotation points for the Rooms selected based on the Out of Order/Service Rotation Setup.
Note: To Calculate Rotation for OOO/OOS Rooms, this check box can be selected by default through the Field and Buttons Default maintenance configuration.
Reason. Select the down arrow to choose an out of order/service reason or enter the code for the reason you want to provide. If your entry is not correct, the list of available reasons is displayed.
Remarks. You may use this free-text field to enter any additional information related to the out of order/service activity.
When the FRONT DESK > HOLD ROOMS application function is set to Y, rooms can be placed on Hold. (This means that the room cannot be assigned to a reservation by another user for a specific amount of time, unless the other user has override permission. See Room Assignment for details.) Rooms that are on hold can be placed in out of order or out of service status.