
Rooms Topics - S&C

The Rooms screen displays complete information about each room at a property, including function spaces. From this screen you may review and edit information for existing rooms, create new rooms from scratch or by repeating the information already provided for a similar room, or delete rooms.

To access the Rooms screen, select Configuration > Reservations > Rooms. The Rooms List screen appears. Select the New button to display the Rooms screen.

When you display information for a room that is a function space, or if you select a Room Type that belongs to the Sales and Catering Class, the screen changes to accommodate the information associated with a S&C function space.

The Rooms screen has the following major features:

Search Criteria

Property. If multi-property is installed, choose the property to select a room.

Room. Select the room to display room information.

Accelerator Buttons

Search. Search for the room you have defined using the search criteria.

Repeat. Create a new room based on the room information currently displayed.

New. Create a new room.

Save. Save any changes you have made to the room information.

Delete. Delete the currently displayed room. Before the room is deleted, the following are checked for the room:

Close. Close this screen. If you have any unsaved changes, a message will prompt you to save.

Combo. Go to the Combo Room Setup screen where you may select the individual rooms that comprise a combo room.

Setup. Go to the Function Space Setup screen where you may define the setup styles for this function space.

Images. Go to the Meeting Room Images screen where you may select and upload images for this function space. Images may be associated with setup styles, if desired.

Rate. Go to the Function Space Rate screen where you may select the rates that apply to this space.

Managing Rooms and Function Spaces

Create a Function Space
Attach Set Up Styles
Attach Rates
Create a Combo
Edit an Existing Function Space
Delete an Existing Function Space