Travel Agent Reference Number (TA Record Locator)
The Travel Agent Record Locator Reference Number functionality provides a means for the CRO or property to effectively process and track reservation requests received from guest agents (third party agents), typically received by email or fax. The functionality is available based on the reservation application parameter Travel Agent Locator (Application Settings > Reservations > Parameters > Travel Agent Record Locator = Y). When enabled, the field TA Rec Loc displays within the ORS Sales and Reservations screens and allows reservations to be booked, modified, or looked up using this reservation identifier. It serves as a secondary identifier, where the reservation confirmation number is the primary number. Additionally, the TA Rec Locator number can be used in confirmation letters, the closing script, reports, included in change log activity, and in OCIS history screens. The Travel Agent Record Locator will be transmitted via the interface between OPERA ORS and OPERA PMS.
Note: This functionality appears on the ORS Sales screens which can be accessed when the OPP_MHOT OPERA Property Management Multi-Property Base license code in PMS is active, or when the OPR <version number> ORS license code is active. To access the ORS Sales screen, in PMS, select (F7) Quick Key or Reservations > Cross Selling. In ORS, select Reservations > Sales Screen.
Within the ORS Sales screens, and within the ORS program, the following Travel Agent Reference Number functionality applies:
- Reservation screens include the field name of TA Record Locator.
- A database function get_ta_record_locator within the reservation_ref package has been added which will return ta_record_locator of the given property and resv_name_id when queried during Define Search and Lookup.
- The Travel Agent Reference Number is available for all reservations, including itinerary reservations.
- The Travel Agent Reference Number is viewable and also editable throughout the entire reservation process (up to check-out).
- The Travel Agent Reference Number field is incorporated into screen-painting functionality.
- The Travel Agent Reference Number field allows up to 25 alpha/numeric characters.
- The Travel Agent Reference Number field allows duplicate numbers for more than one reservation.
- When duplicate data is entered for the reservation, the qualifier will be the profile. Two profiles can use the same reference number. One profile, however, cannot use the same Travel Agent Reference Number more than once.
- The TA Record Locator field can be a searchable, standalone search criteria or can be used in combination with other fields.
- Wildcard search (%) on a Travel Agent Reference Number is available.
- The Travel Agent Reference Number is available for use within confirmation letters.
- Travel Agent Reference Number is a selectable tag that can be included within the closing script.
- The Travel Agent Reference Number is available with simple reports.
- The TA Record Locator is included in the Change Log Activity.
- Travel Agent Reference number is transmitted via the interface between ORS and PMS.
- Existing T/A reference details are converted into the new record locator field as needed.
- The Travel Agent Reference number is included in reservation data stored in OCIS history screens.
The following program modifications accommodate the Travel Agent Reference Number functionality in OPERA PMS:
- New merge codes (Folio, AR Invoice, AR Statement, Commission Check, Commission Stub & Registration Card).
Search Capability within Folio history.
- Column added to Rooming List.
- Modifications have been made to handle the Travel Agent Reference Number within various areas (General Export, Backoffice Interface, Commission Edit screen, Reports).
Workflow Overview
The reservation look up and booking processes are identical to other reservations, with the addition of the Travel Agent Reference Number.
- You can look up reservations using the Travel Agent Reference Number to identify whether a reservation exists. If a reservation does exist, determine if you want to work with the existing reservation. You can use the existing Travel Agent Reference Number or assign a new one.
- Or, you may decide to create a new reservation. If you create a new reservation, you can also use the same, existing Travel Agent Reference Number or assign a new one.
Searching for Existing Reservations Using the Travel Agent Reference Number
When working with existing reservations or creating new ones with a Travel Agent Reference Number, users will typically want to start with the Reservation Lookup functionality. Not only does the Lookup functionality display reservations based on a Travel Agent Reference Number, but it also provides access to screens for creating a new reservation, without having to exit back to the Sales Screen.
- To access the Lookup functionality in ORS/OCIS, select Reservations > Sales Screen. At the Sales Screen, select the Lookup button. The Reservation Lookup screen appears.
- To access the Lookup functionality in PMS, In PMS, select (F7) Quick Key or Reservations > Cross Selling. At the Sales Screen, select the Lookup button. The Reservation Lookup screen appears.
Reservation Lookup Screen
- In the TA Rec Loc (Travel Agent Record Locator) field, enter the user-defined Travel Agent Reference Number. For example, enter 55110. Select the Search button.
- All reservations having the Travel Agent Reference Number of 55110 (and other criteria entered) will display on the Arrivals screen. See below.
- If no reservations exist with that Travel Agent Record Locator, you will be prompted to respond if you want to search in Waitlist Reservation.
- Respond Yes, if you want to view the waitlist. All reservations with the Travel Agent Reference Number will display on the Waitlist screen. If none exist, select Close. You are returned to the Arrivals screen.
- If you respond No, the prompt disappears. You are returned to the Arrivals screen.
Arrivals Screen
- Reservations that matched the Travel Agent Reference Number entered in the Reservation Lookup screen appear on the Arrivals screen. You can modify the reservation or create a new reservation.
- To modify, highlight the reservation in the grid you want to modify and choose the Select button. The Reservation Snapshot screen displays.
- You can create a new reservation using a new, or the same, TA Record Locator Number by selecting the New Resv button. The Define Search screen appears.
Creating a New Reservation with a New or Existing Travel Agent Reference Number
Define Search Screen
You can begin creating a new reservation from this screen. You access the Define Search screen either by selecting New at the Sales Screen, or by selecting New Resv at the Reservation Lookup or Arrivals screens.
- If you had looked up a Travel Agent Reference Number that did not exist and you want to create a new reservation, you will need to enter the TA Record Locator number here. You can also use an existing TA Record Locator number, if desired.
- Proceed as you normally would when creating a new reservation.
Main Reservation Screen
- Notice the TA Rec Locator field carries the number previously entered when creating a new reservation, but not if modifying an existing reservation.
- The main Reservation screen allows modification of the TA Rec Loc before or after saving the reservation.
- The system advances through the reservation process by displaying the Reservation screen with all reservation data populated, including the TA Rec Locator.
- After the confirmation is saved and OK is selected, the Reservation Snapshot screen appears.
Reservation Snapshot Screen
The Reservation Snapshot screen provides functions for modifying the existing reservation. Notice the read-only TA Rec Loc number in the CRS Information portion of the screen. In our example, it is 55110.
- Select any of the buttons to continue working with the existing reservation.
Note: For Add on, Itinerary, Share, and other modifications the TA Rec Loc number will not copy from the original reservation. The modified reservation can have a different TA Rec Loc from the original reservation's TA Rec Loc. Or, it can be the same. In either case, TA Rec Loc number will need to be entered from the main Reservation screen.
Note: Refer to the Reservation Screen, ORS Sales Screen, and Reservation Lookups for more detailed information on creating reservations.