Upsell Room Hierarchy
Open the Upsell Room Hierarchy screen by selecting the Hierarchy button on the Upsell Configuration screen. The Upsell Room Hierarchy screen is used to copy, add, or edit the upsell room hierarchies and their display sequences for a property's upsell rules. The room hierarchies are created for a property and will be available from the Upsell Rules screen to be used when configuring the property's upsell rules.
From Room Type. Select the down arrow and choose a "from room type" to filter the search results by the original room type.
To Room Type. Select the down arrow and choose a "to room type" to filter the search results by the room type that the original room type will be upsold to.
Property. Select the down arrow and choose a property to filter the search results by a property. This is the property for which an upsell room hierarchy will be configured.
From Room Type. The "from room type" for the upsell rule. This is the original room type.
To Room Types. The "to room type" for the upsell rule. This is the room type that the original room type will be upsold to.
Seq. The sequence or order in which the record is displayed.
Select the Edit button to open the Upsell Room Hierarchy - Edit screen and edit an existing Upsell Room Hierarchy that is highlighted in the search results grid. Select the New button to open the Upsell Room Hierarchy - New screen and add a new Upsell Room Hierarchy for the property.
From Room Type. Select the down arrow and choose a room type from the list of values. This will be the "from room type" for the room hierarchy upsell.
To Room Type List. Select the down arrow and choose a room type from the list of values. This will be the "to room type" for the room hierarchy upsell.
Display Sequence. Enter a number for the display sequence or the order in which the upsell room hierarchy will be listed.
See Also