
Reservations Report Group - ORS/OCIS

28 Days Forecast - The 28 Days Forecast Report will display the number of scheduled bookings for all properties belonging to the central reservation office, for the selected 28 day time period.

Agent Statistics - The Agent Statistics Report identifies the total number of reservations made by an agent, per selected property, within a specified date range.

Billing Report - The Billing Report provides the rate code and rate amount billed to guests for the selected property within the chosen date range.

Contribution Report - The Contribution Report displays a property's number of rooms, nights, and room revenue along with the Origin, Source, and Market Codes responsible for the reservation.

Daily Occupancy Summary Report - This report displays the property's room capacity and the percentage of rooms occupied for a specific date.

Daily Pickup Report Summary - The Daily Pickup Report displays the property's pickup statistics (the number of rooms actually picked up after having been reserved) for the day selected.

Delivery Method for Reservations - This report identifies how a new reservation confirmation letter is being sent to the guest (by Email, Fax, or Printed/Mailed) and the status of the letter (Pending or Successful).

OPERA New Productivity (rep_product) - The OPERA New Productivity report compiles performance data from selected properties in a prior period and compares it to data in a current period. Report filters include net reservations, CRO sources, comparative properties, and zero rates. Report options include company name, travel agent, source, group, profile, or rate code. The report displays the percentage of change between the two periods for reservations, room nights, revenue, average daily rate, and average length of stay. The results can be grouped by profile, chain code, channel, or property.

OPERA New Productivity Summary (rep_sum_prod) - The OPERA New Productivity Summary report compiles performance data from selected properties in a prior period and compares it to data in a current period. Report filters include net reservations, CRO sources, comparative properties, and zero rates. Report options include company name, travel agent, source, group, profile, or rate code. The report displays the percentage of change between the two periods for reservations, room nights, revenue, average daily rate, and average length of stay. The report also displays grand totals for each of the major categories displayed.

OPERA Production Report: Property - Report Type (rep_prop_reptype) - The OPERA Production: Property - Report Type report compiles performance data from selected properties in a prior period and compares it to data in a current period. Report filters include net reservations, CRO sources, comparative properties, and zero rates. Report options include company name, travel agent, source, group, profile, or rate code. The report displays the percentage of change between the two periods for reservations, room nights, revenue, average daily rate, and average length of stay. The results can be grouped by profile or property.

OPERA Production Report: Report Type (rep_reptype) - The OPERA Production: Report Type report compiles performance data from selected properties in a prior period and compares it to data in a current period. Report options include company name, travel agent, source, group, profile, or rate code, and the report can only be generated for a single option at a time. For example, the report can be generated for travel agents only. The report displays the percentage of change between the two periods for reservations, room nights, revenue, average daily rate, and average length of stay, and also displays grand totals for each of the major categories.

ORS Arrivals: Details - This report displays the details of guest arrivals made through ORS for the selected property. You enter the date range and other search criteria you want included in the report.

ORS Reservation Details - The ORS Reservation Detail Report shows all reservations made through ORS for a property within the selected date range, using other search criteria.

ORS Reservations Reserved - This report displays reservation information grouped by reservation type. Other information includes: Arrival/Departure Dates, Rate Code, Rate Amount, Nights, Room Type, Market Code, Source Code, and Company.

ORS Transaction Activity - The ORS Transaction Activity Report displays information about reservations such as Arrival Date, Confirmation No, Nights, Room, Revenue.

ORS Transaction Summary - This report provides a transaction summary of booked reservations per date, property, and channel.

ORS Utilization Report - The Utilization Report is used for viewing property usage and availability by blocks sold and picked up. This report can be used for forecasting availability for properties within the CRO.

Overridden Booking Restrictions - This report displays information about overridden reservations (Resort, Agent Action, Confirmation Number, Date, Time, Room Type, Nights, Rate Code and Rate Hurdle).

Property Deposit/Cancellation Rules - This report displays deposit rules, cancellation rules, and reservation types for one or more selected properties in the CRO database.

Property Details - This report compiles property-specific data.

Rate Assurance - The Rate Assurance report compiles a list of confirmed, designated "rate assured" reservations (including shared) that may potentially be impacted by the property’s pricing strategy discount. Rate Assurance is a customer-focused pricing strategy that guarantees the guest the lowest rate for the life of a reservation, prior to the guest's arrival date.

Rate Code - This report displays rate codes used by property (Resort, Rate Code, Season, Begin Date, End Date, Market, Source, Amount 1, Amount 2, Amount 3, Amount 4 and Inactive).

Rate Refresh Log Report - The Rate Refresh Log Report displays the set of reservations whose rate codes were updated in the ORS and PMS databases through the Mass Rate Update Utility.

Rate Override - This report identifies the daily rates configured for properties.

Reservation by Clerk - This report will generate all booked reservation activities (NEW, CANCELLED, CHANGED, TOTAL) by application user (clerk/agent) per property.

Reservation Profile Detail - The Reservation Profile Detail Report displays information about Reservations (arrival, departure and rate code), Profiles (name, address, phone) and Application user.

Reservation by Rate Code - The Reservation by Rate Code Report displays the number of reservations per reservation date, property and rate code.

Reservation Transaction Register - This report displays the Reservation Transactions Register. It contains reservations information such as Confirmation No, Action (Canceled, New, Changed), Status, Rate Code, Arrival Date, Nights, Source, Market code, Clerk and Deposit.

Reservation Types and Rule Schedules - The Reservation Types/Rule Schedules Report displays the Reservation Types and Cancellation and Deposit Rule Schedules per property.

Restriction - The Restriction Report displays rate restrictions (Begin Date, End Date, Resort, Rate Code, Room Category, Restriction Type, Los, Rate Category, Rate Tier and Room Class).

Trace - The trace Report displays a listing of Traces on bookings by Resolved Statuses (Yes, No or All) and shows Traces text, Guest Name, Arrival/Departure, Room Type and Rate Code.

Transaction Statistics - The Transaction Statistics Report displays reservations (Resv no, Guest Name, Market Code, Rate Code, Travel Agent, Arrival, Room Type, Clerk, Rooms, Nights and Rate amount) and totals for Nights, Rooms, Rate Amounts by Groups.