Reservations Overview
Note: When the OPR<version Number>ORS license code is active, three option buttons appear on the Application Settings screen that affect what Group Functions, Parameters, and Settings will be available.
- The Global option button displays Group Functions/Parameters/Settings that will affect all properties located in all CROs in the ORS database.
- The CRO option button displays Group Functions/Parameters/Settings that will affect all properties located in the CRO selected from the CRO LOV.
- The Property option button displays Group Functions/Parameters/Settings that are available on the property level and will only affect the property selected in the Property LOV.
- ALLOW DEPOSIT CANCELLATION CHANGE - Allow Changes to Deposit and Cancellation rule on Reservation screen.
- ALLOW INVENTORY ITEMS OUTSIDE OF STAY DATES - When activated, Inventory Items can be configured as "Allow outside of Stay Dates" which will allow the user to attach the item beginning before and/or ending after the stay dates of the Reservation.
- ALLOW WAITLIST MODIFICATION - Activate the Functionality to Modify Waitlisted Reservations.
- ALWAYS FIXED RATES - All reservations created or modified in the system will be stored as Fixed Rates.
- APPLY DISCOUNT TO PACKAGES - If this is set to Y, percentage discounts will be applied to packages.
- ALWAYS SHOW PROFILE SEARCH FOR MATCHING NAMES - While entering profile on reservation screen always force user to go to profile search screen to pick the profile, if there is at least one profile exists with matching last name and first name.
- ASSIGN UNIQUE CONFIRMATION NUMBER FOR CONNECTING ROOM RESERVATIONS - Assign unique confirmation numbers to connecting room reservations when created.
- ATTACH RATECODE TO BLOCKRESV - Allow user to select Rate Code and attach to Block Reservation during the Reservation Process.
- AUTO DEPOSIT COLLECTION - The deposit screen on new reservations with existing deposit schedules will automatically appear when the user saves the reservation.
- AUTO MASS CANCELLATION - Activates auto mass cancellation functionality.
- AUTO POPULATION OF ROUTING INSTRUCTIONS - Activate the Auto Population of Routing Instructions.
- BLANK ARRIVAL DATE - Set Arrival Date to Blank for New Reservation.
- BLANK OUT METHOD OF PAYMENT FOR ARRIVALS - Blank out method of payment for arrivals.
- BOOKING PACE BY MARKET CODE - Activate the ability to generate Booking Pace Data by Market Code. After setting this value to Y, make the procedure POPULATERESVPACEMARKET active in Background Processor Setup.
- CANCEL WITH DEPOSIT - Ability to Cancel Reservations with Deposit Payments.
- CC PRE CHECK IN AUTHORIZATION - Ability to pre-authorize credit cards on reservations prior to check in.
- CHECK RESTRICTIONS ON CHECK OUT - Enables the system to validate, if the guest departs earlier or later than the original duration of the stay upon check in, whether the rate code and rate for the guests stay is still valid for the days the guest stayed.
- COMPONENT VERIFICATION - Component Verification Functionality.
- CONFIRMATION LETTER - Confirmation Letter Required in Reservation.
- CONFIRMATION LETTER CANCEL RESERVATION - Mark All Cancelled Reservations to Generate a Confirmation Letter.
- CONFIRMATION LETTER UPDATE RESERVATION - Mark All Updated Reservations to Generate a Confirmation Letter.
- CONFIRMATION OPTIONAL EMAIL - Allow for an optional E-Mail address for the confirmation to be sent to.
- CONNECTING ROOMS - Activate Connecting Rooms.
- CONSOLIDATED DEPOSITS AND CANCELLATIONS - Calculate the deposit/cancellation request amount as the sum of the deposit/cancellation amount for each rate code attached to the reservation.
- COPY PROFILE RESERVATION NOTES TO RESERVATION - Profile Reservation Notes will be automatically copied onto the reservation.
- CROSS BRAND RECOGNITION - When this parameter is turned ON, Guest members (of a central loyalty membership program) will be recognized by a pop-up message when accessing their reservation.
- CUSTOMIZED KEY PACKET LABELS - Ability to print customized Key Packet Labels for reservations.
- DEFAULT NON-DEDUCT CHECK BOX - Default Non Deduct Check Box on Availability screens where separation between Non Deduct and Deduct Rooms is available.
- DEFAULT GUEST NAME FOR ADD ON - Allows selecting to create Add On reservation with or without copying original reservation’s guest name.
- ELECTRONIC VOUCHER - Electronic vouchers can be generated and associated with a reservation.
- ENABLE CXL RULES IN WEEKS - When enabled, users can configure cancellation rules in either days or weeks, where the days value must be a multiplier of 7 days (to be converted to a week value).
- EXCHANGE/REALLOCATE ROOMS - Ability to Exchange/Reallocate Room Numbers between Reservations.
- EXCLUDE DEPOSIT FROM AUTH BASED ON ROUTING - Exclude deposit paid from authorization amount when the deposit ledger transaction code is either routed to a window where the payee in the routing instructions is not the same as the guest, or routed to another reservation.
- EXCLUDE RATE FROM AUTH BASED ON ROUTING - Exclude Rate from authorization if the source payee name in routing instructions is not the same as the target and transaction code for accommodation exists in the routing instruction code.
- FOLIO EMAIL PER WINDOW - Ability to indicate if a Billing Window is eligible for emailing the Folio and to associate an Email Address.
- FORCE COMPANY PROFILE FOR CHECKED IN RESERVATIONS - Force that Company Profile Exist for all Checked In Reservations.
- GUEST PAY FILTER IN RATE INFO - Ability to see the Guest Pay Only filter within the Rate Info screen.
- INCLUDE NONDEDUCT IN AVAILABILITY - Default Non Deduct Check Box on Availability screens where separation between Non Deduct and Deduct Rooms is available.
- ITEM INVENTORY POOL - Activate the item inventory pool functionality which enables items to be sold with a maximum pool ceiling quantity.
- JOIN ALERTS - When activated ALERTS will display in one window grouped by Alert Code.
- LAUNCH CONFIRMATION FROM CLOSING SCRIPT - Removes the Confirmation check box from RSEDIT form and places a check box on the Closing Script screen which automatically launches the confirmation form to enable users to send a confirmation to the selected parties.
- MANDATORY ROOM MOVE REASON - Activating this Parameter will make the Reason field mandatory on the Room Move screen.
- MARKET MAIN GROUP - Controls Selection List Display of Market Codes.
- METHOD OF PAYMENT MANDATORY - Method of Payment is Mandatory at the Time of Reservation.
- MOBILITY - Enables all Mobility functionality that currently is available with an active OPX_MIMOBILITY license and interface.
- OPERA BENEFITS - The current e-certificates and coupon functionality will have additional features and screens allowing users to apply multiple benefits to one reservation in OPERA.
- ORS RESERVATION AUDIT -Audit ORS reservation changes.
- ONLINE PRINTING OF CHANGES - Print Reservation changes after check in to on-line printer.
- POPULATE PRIMARY PROFILES FOR NEW RESERVATIONS - Populate Primary Company, Travel Agent, and Source profiles for the Individual for New Reservation creation.
- PRE-REGISTRATION CHECK IN - Enables Pre Registration functionality.
- PRIMARY SHARE - Ability to indicate one reservation as the primary share.
- PROFILE SEARCH PRIOR TO NEW RESERVATION - Present the Profile Search Screen before making New Reservations.
- PROPERTY CALENDAR - Activate the Property Calendar functionality.
- RATE CODE MANDATORY - Rate Code Mandatory for Individual Reservations.
- RATE CODE MANDATORY BLOCKS - Rate Code Mandatory for Reservations picked up from Block.
- REFRESH RATES FOR EXTENSION DATES ONLY - Refresh rates for extension dates only when extending the stay period on an existing reservation.
- REQUEST LOG - Log availability and reservation requests into request_log table. Activation of this parameter may create lots of rows into request_log table and impact performance of the system.
- RESERVATION MORE FIELDS - Activate More Fields Tab on Reservations.
- RESERVATION ROOM _FEATURES - If the room feature field were added to the reservation screen through screen painting, the room features associated with a reservation would be carried over to the room availability search screen.
- REVALIDATE AVAILABILITY BEFORE SAVING - Affects the reservations created from the ORS "Sales Screen" or PMS "Cross Selling" screen. When enabled, availability will be re-checked before saving the reservation to avoid silent overrides and overbooks.
- ROOM TYPE AUTO POPULATE - Enables Auto Populate check box at Property Level for Room Type Configuration.
- ROOM TYPE AUTO ROOM ASSIGN - Enables Auto Room Assign check box at Property Level for Room Type Configuration.
- ROOM TYPE TO CHARGE - Implements the addition of the field called RTC on the reservation screen.
- SELL CONTROL ITEM - Ability to restrict sells if there is not enough pre configured inventory items available.
- SELL MESSAGE - Activate the Sell Message Functionality.
- SEND DEPOSITS TO ORS - Send deposits to ORS when the OXI License Code OPX_ORS is active in PMS.
- SHARE RATE SPLITTING FOR FIXED RESERVATIONS - Allow Share Rate Splitting on Reservations marked as Fixed with same rate code.
- SHOW ALL COMMENT TYPES - When this parameter is turned on, only one comment type can be set in the parameter setting Reservations -> Comment Types and the comment screen will show all comment types.
- SIMPLE NAME CHANGE - Allows the Name and First Name fields to be overwritten to easily create a new profile without having to access the Profile screen.
- SOURCE MAIN GROUP - Controls selection list display of Source Codes.
- TAX FREE GUESTS - Allow the User to make a distinction between Taxable and Tax Free Guests (by Adults & Children) that will be reported on the statistical report for stat_countrybyday as indicated on each reservation.
- TRANSPORTATION - Transportation Information.
- TRAVEL AGENT RECORD LOCATOR - Allow Travel Agent Record Locator entry and search on Reservation Screen.
- UPDATE CHECKED IN RESERVATIONS - Update Checked in Reservations.
- UPSELLS BASED ON ORMS DATA - This parameter, when set to Y, allows the property to use ORMS to configure and drive the Upsell amounts.
- AUTHORIZED USER RESERVATION TYPE - Default Reservation type for Authorized User Reservation.
- AUTO RATE REFRESH CRITERIA - Refresh rates on a reservation when one or more values selected in this setting are modified.
- CASHIERING PROMPT/FLOW AT CHECKIN AND/OR DURING STAY - Cashiering flow that users are taken into when checking in guests.
- COMMENT TYPES - Default Comment Types to be used.
- COMMISSION PAY - Select to Pay Commission to the Travel Agent only, Source only or both the Travel Agent AND Source attached to the Reservation.
- DEFAULT PACKAGES - Package that will be posted during the End of Day if the reservation has no rate code.
- DEFAULT SHARE PAYMENT TYPE - Default value for the payment type to be used when creating a sharer from a profile.
- DEPOSIT MATURITY PREFERENCE - Deposit Maturity Preference.
- DEPOSIT RESERVATION TYPE - Default Reservation Type for Deposit Payments.
- ENHANCED PROFILE SEARCH - 3 of 5 fields inclusive of LAST, FIRST, CITY, POSTAL and PHONE required to evoke Profile Search.
- EXTERNAL REF NUMBER TO DISPLAY - External Reference Number to display in reservation's "CRS No" / "ALT ID" field.
- FORCE ADVANCE BILL PRINT TYPE - Select the type of folio, bill, or receipt to be generated when the Reservations>Cashier Prompt at Check In And/Or During Stay application setting is Force Advance Bill.
- MANAGE PSEUDO ROOMS - OPERA allows selecting the way to manage Pseudo Rooms during End Of Day procedure.
- MANDATORY AR ACCOUNT FOR DIRECT BILL PAYMENT TYPE - OPERA will not allow the user to create a reservation or check in the guest or both, if the payment type on the reservation is Direct Bill and no AR account is existing.
- MAXIMUM NUMBER OF NIGHTS - The maximum number of nights a reservation can be booked.
- MEMBERSHIPS IN ROOM ASSIGNMENT WORKFLOW - The Membership Levels configured for the selected Membership Types will be available on the Membership Levels tab of the Room Assignment Workflow and used when calculating the hierarchy to assign the best room to the best guest.
- MINIMUM NIGHTS TO PAY WITH FORCE PAYMENT - When the Reservations>Cashiering Flow at Checkin/During Stay is set to FORCE PAYMENT, the user cannot change the Nights value on the Payment screen to a value less than the number specified by this setting.
- ONLINE PRINTER - Printer to be used for printing changes after check in.
- OPERA BENEFIT CONSUME DAYS - This application setting allows user to define the number of days after a reservation is checked out, for which e-certificate or coupon can be retro consumed.
- OVOS LONG TERM NIGHTS - Reservations longer than or equal to the nights specified in this parameter will be consider as Long Term Reservation.
- OWNER RESERVATION TYPE - Default Reservation type for Owner Reservation.
- POPULATE PACKAGE BASED ON INVENTORY SELECTION - When inventory item has associated package, auto populate into the reservation package field.
- POPULATE PRIMARY PROFILES FOR NEW RESERVATIONS - Present the Profile Search Screen before making New Reservations.
- PRE PAYMENT PRINT TYPE - Select the type of folio, bill, or receipt to be generated when the Reservations>Cashier Prompt at Check In And/Or During Stay application setting is Force Advance Bill and Payment.
- PRE-REGISTRATION ALERT CODE - Stores the alert code that will be used for alerts created for internet checked-in reservations.
- PRE-REGISTRATION TRACE DEPT - Stores the trace department code that will be used for traces created for internet checked-in reservations.
- PRINT REGISTRATION AT CHECK IN - Display Prompt to Print Registration Cards upon Check In.
- PURGE CONFIRMATION LETTERS - Purge customized confirmation letters a certain number of days after checkout.
- PURGE RESERVATION ATTACHMENTS - Number of days to purge the Reservation Attachments.
- REQUEST LOG PURGE MONTHS - Number of months after which request log data will be purged.
- RESERVATION COLOR DEFINITION - Reservation Color Definition.
- RESERVATION DASHBOARD CALENDAR ADULTS - Number of Adults referenced in the Reservation Dashboard Calendar.
- RESERVATION DASHBOARD CALENDAR RATE CODE - Rate code referenced in the Reservation Dashboard Calendar.
- RESERVATION DASHBOARD CALENDAR ROOM TYPE - Room Type referenced in the Reservation Dashboard Calendar.
- RESERVATION FLOW - Reservation Flow.
- RESERVATION TYPE - Default Reservation Type for a New Reservation.
- RESERVATION TYPE FOR PROFILE SHARE - Reservation Type that will be used when creating the share reservation through the profile option.
- RESV LOOKUP DEFAULT FIELD - This application setting sets a default field to receive the focus when the Reservation Lookup Screen is launched.
- ROLLING NOSHOW - Reservations with reservation type selected in the parameter will not be automatically no showed during End of Day.
- ROLLING NOSHOW PREFERENCE - Select to No Show the Reservation on the Last Night of the Guest Stay or change the Reservation to a Day Use Reservation to No Show that night.
- ROOM DISPLAY ORDER - In the room lookup screens the order of the rooms displayed can be ascending, descending or by display sequence based on the parameter set here. Where A=Ascending, D=Descending or S=Display Sequence.
- ROOM LIMIT PER RESERVATION - Maximum Number of Rooms Sold per Reservation.
- ROOM ORDER PREFERENCE - When a room search is done for multiple room types (which some have rotation defined and others do not), the parameter will define the sequence the rooms will be displayed in.
- ROOMING LIST/COMBINE SHARE PROFILE SEARCH - Default 'Search Guest Profile' option in the rooming list and the combine share screen.
- ROUTE TRANSACTIONS TO SHARE - Control of simple share process allowing management of routing charges at time of share creation in the Share screen.