Unit Elements
Because Revenue Pooling revolves around the points/ratings defined in an owner's contract, the point/ratings values (unit elements) must be set up in OPERA. Once they are defined, you can assign the unit elements to the contract through the Rental tab of the Contract screen.
Note: There must be at least one room revenue unit element defined (a unit element without a transaction code.)
Note: You should only define the unit elements once the appropriate application functions, parameters, and settings are enabled.
To define the unit elements, select Setup>Configuration>Ownership>Unit Elements. The Unit Elements screen appears.
Element Code. Select the element code from the list of values.
Property. Select the property.
Element Code. A unique code used to identify and element.
Note: Element codes can only be used once.
Description. A description of the element.
Points. The point value assigned to the element.
Trn. Code. The accounts receivable transaction code.
Display Seq. The order that the unit element is displayed on the screen.
Select the New button to create new unit elements, or select the Edit button to edit existing elements. Select the Delete button to delete existing unit elements. See also, Creating or Editing Unit Elements.
See Also