About Surveys
Note: The General application function SURVEY controls availability of the Survey feature. Access to the Survey feature is controlled by the Sales & Catering license.
With surveys, users can create standard questionnaires that can be attached to activities; the activities, in turn, can be attached to business blocks. When the activity is opened, selecting the Survey button on the Activity screen presents the survey to the respondent. Accumulated survey responses are available for review online or in report format.
Surveys might be used, for example, to record client satisfaction related to certain types of bookings (say, weddings or tours), or to bookings handled during a specified period (during high season, possibly). Surveys could also be used to monitor internal departmental performance, with sales managers providing feedback at the conclusion of each booking.
Activities that transmit surveys can be manually attached to business blocks or they can be automatically attached to business blocks each time a certain kind of booking is created. Automatic attachment is configured through the Trace Code Definition feature (Configuration > Database > Trace Code Setup).
Setting up a survey begins in Configuration > Setup > Survey > Master Question List. Here you can create a pool of questions that can be combined to create multiple surveys. Each question has a list of acceptable answers, and a point value can be assigned to each answer for use in developing scores when survey results are analyzed. Questions can be flagged as "Required" or "Not Required" depending on whether or not the question must be responded to.
The Configuration > Survey > Survey Maintenance option is where you create the actual surveys, or survey templates, by combining questions from the master question list. The survey template is attached to an activity by selecting a special activity type at the time the activity is created. (A separate activity type must be created for each survey template in Configuration > Database > Activity Types Setup.)
The Activity Search screen displays a Survey lamp if an activity having a survey attached is highlighted. When the activity is displayed, the new Survey button appears (See Indicator Lamps for lamp list and descriptions). Selecting this button opens the survey allowing the user to complete the survey. If the activity is marked Complete without the survey having been responded to, the survey automatically appears.
Cumulative survey results can be viewed by selecting Miscellaneous > Survey Results. By default, the Survey Response screen shows responses to all questions for all surveys. Filter options at the top of the screen allow users to refine the information display by date, survey, question, and other criteria.
Finally, Miscellaneous > Reports provides access to the Survey Details for Activity report (rep_survey_by_activity), which shows all survey results plus the high, low and average scores for each question.
See Also