Configuration Report Group
Configuration - Account Types - The Configuration report for Account Types will display all Accounts Receivable Account Types that have been configured for your property. The Accounts Receivable (AR) license must be active in order to configure any Account Types.
Configuration - Alerts - The Configuration report for Alerts will display all Alert types that have been configured for your property.
Configuration - Application User Setup - The Configuration Report for Application User Setup will display all Users that have been configured in the application for the current property that is logged in to.
Configuration - Application User Setup - Detail - This report provides details on the user configurations of all or selected users.
Configuration - Articles - The report will display all configured Articles for your Property. Articles allow a property to post certain items to a guest folio in such a way that they appear to have come from a single transaction code.
Configuration - Back Office Interface Market Codes Mapping - Will display all configured Back Office Mappings for Market Codes.
Configuration - Back Office Interface Statistic Codes Mapping - Will display all configured Back Office Mappings for statistic Codes.
Configuration - Back Office Interface Transaction Codes Mapping - Will display all configured Back Office Mappings for Transaction Codes.
Configuration - Budgets - The Configuration report for Budgets will display the budgets that have been configured in the application for your property.
Configuration - Cancellation Reasons - The Configuration report for Cancellation Reasons will display all Cancellation Reasons that have been configured.
Configuration - Cashiers - The Configuration report for Cashiers will display all configured cashiers for your property.
Configuration - Cities and Postal Codes - The Configuration report for Cities and Postal Codes will display Cities and Postal Codes that have been configured in the application.
Configuration - Country Codes - The Configuration report for Country Codes will display all Countries that have been configured in the application.
Configuration - Credit Limits - The Configuration report for Credit Limits will display the Credit Limits that have been configured for your property.
Configuration - Discount Reasons - The Configuration report for Discount Reasons will display all Discount Reasons that have been configured.
Configuration - Districts - The Configuration report for District Codes will display Districts that have been configured in the application.
Configuration - Exchange Rates - The Configuration report for Exchange Rates will display all Exchange Rates that have been configured for your property. The report includes all details that are set in the Exchange Rate setup.
Configuration - Features - The Configuration report for Features will display the Features that have been configured for your Property under the Preference Group of Features.
Configuration - Folio Grouping Codes - The Configuration report for Folio Groupings will display the transaction codes associated with the Folio Groupings of Arrangement, Expense and Group Codes.
Configuration - Housekeeping Sections - The Configuration report for Housekeeping Sections will display all Housekeeping Sections and Days Of the Week that corresponds to the Attendants that have been defined for your property.
Configuration - Housekeeping Workflow - This report displays the Housekeeping Rule information, Task information, Target Credit information (the Task Assignment default Target Credit) and Section information.
Configuration - Item Inventory - The configuration report for Item Inventory will display all Items that have been configured for the property.
Configuration - Languages - The Configuration report for Languages will display all languages that have been configured in the application.
Configuration - Market Codes - The Configuration report for Market Codes will display all Market Codes that have been configured in the application.
Configuration - Master Codes - The Configuration report for Master Codes will display all Master Codes that have been configured in the application.
Configuration - Origin Codes - The Configuration report for Origin Codes will display all Origin Codes that have been configured.
Configuration - Out of Order Reasons - The Configuration report Out of Order Reasons will display all Out of Order Reasons that have been configured in the application.
Configuration - Package Codes - The Configuration report Package Codes will display all Packages that have been configured in the application.
Configuration - Parameter - The Configuration report Parameters will display all parameters and the value that has been set for your property.
Configuration -Preferences - The Configuration report Preferences will display all preferences that have been configured in the application.
Configuration - Profile Changes - The Configuration report Profile Changes will display all changes made to profiles for the date range specified.
Configuration - Rate Category - The Configuration Report Rate Categories will display all Rate Categories that have been configured.
Configuration - Rate Class - The Configuration report Rate Class will display all Rate Classes that have been configured.
Configuration - Rate Code Detail - The Configuration report Rate Code - Detail will display the details of all Rate Codes that have been configured.
Configuration - Rate Code Header - The Configuration report Rate Code - Header will display Rate Header information of all Rate Codes that have been configured in the application.
Configuration - Rate Seasons - The Configuration Report for Rate Seasons will display all Seasons that have been configured for the property.
Configuration - Reason Codes - The Configuration report for Reason Codes will display all Adjustment Codes that have been configured in the application for your property.
Configuration - Regions - The Configuration report for Regions will display all Regions that have been configured in the application.
Configuration - Relationship Types - The Configuration report for Relationship Types will display all Relationship Types that have been configured in the application.
Configuration - Reservation Types - The Configuration report for Reservation Types will display all Reservation Types that have been configured in the application.
Configuration - Revenue Buckets - The Configuration report for Revenue Buckets will display the transaction codes associated with the various Revenue Buckets.
Configuration - Room Classes - The Configuration report for Room Classes will display all Room Classes that have been configured in the application.
Configuration - Rooms - The Configuration report for Rooms will display all Rooms and corresponding information configured in the application.
Configuration - Room Types - The Configuration report for Room Types will display all Room Types and corresponding information configured in the application.
Configuration - Routing Codes - The Configuration report for Routing Codes will display all Routing Codes that have been configured for your property.
Configuration - Source Codes - The Configuration report for Source Codes will display all Source Codes that have been configured in the application.
Configuration - Special Requests - The Configuration report for Special Requests will display all Preferences – Special Requests that have been configured in the application.
Configuration - State Codes - The Configuration report for State Codes will display States that have been configured in the application.
Configuration - Tax Codes - The Configuration report for Tax Codes will display all Tax Types that have been configured in the application.
Configuration - Titles - The Configuration report for Titles will display all Titles that have been configured. The output includes the language the Title has been associated.
Configuration - Transaction Codes - The Configuration report for Transaction Codes will display all Transaction Codes that have been configured in the application.
Configuration - Transaction Codes by Transaction - The Configuration report for Transaction Codes will display all Transaction Codes that have been configured in the application.
Configuration - Turnaway Reasons - The Configuration report Turnaway Reasons will display all Turnaway Reasons that have been configured in the application.
Configuration - User Rights - The Configuration Report for User Rights will display all Users and User Groups and their granted permissions or rights that have been configured in the application.
Configuration - Waitlist Priorities - The Configuration report for Waitlist Priorities will display all Waitlist Priorities and their defined sequence order to display.