
Credit Cards Menu

The Credit Cards Menu screen displays the credit card authorization options available. This screen is accessible from both the Reservations module and from the Cashiering module. From the Reservation screen or from the Billing screen, select the Credit Cards button from the Options menu to display the Credit Cards Menu screen.

Note: To list the credit cards linked to the guest's profile, display the profile (select the Profile button from the Reservation screen or the Billing screen), then choose the Credit Cards button from the Options menu.

Manual Approval is available when the guest's payment method is Credit Card. The Authorization Rule, Authorization History, and Additional Authorization options are available if the credit card interface (electronic funds transfer, or EFT, interface) is active. These options are described below.

The Authorization Rule, Additional Authorization, and Manual Approval buttons are not available from the Credit Cards Menu if the RESERVATIONS > PAYMENT TYPES PER WINDOW application function is set to Y. In this case, two buttons are available: Authorization and Authorization History.  Authorization rules are set using the Rules button on the Routing Instructions screen. In addition, the Additional Authorization and Manual Approval features are available from the Authorization option. See Multiple Methods of Payment per Reservation for details.

Horizontal Rule

Manual Approval

Use Manual Approval when you must call the credit card company by phone to obtain approval for an additional expenditure. This might be necessary, for example, if the credit card interface is unavailable. (You will know when the credit card interface is unavailable because the Additional Authorization option button on the Credit Cards Menu will be grayed out.)

Note: Available for users who have been granted the CC Authorization on a Reservation permission for reservations that have a status of one of the following:

- Checked In
- Prospect or Reserved and has a Pre-Stay Privilege or the RESERVATIONS > CC PRE CHECK IN AUTHORIZATION application parameter is set to Y.
- Checked Out and has Post-Stay Privilege or has an open folio
- No Show or Canceled and the CASHIERING > NO SHOW AND CANCELATION POSTINGS application function is set to Y.

Note: If the Authorization at Check In feature is enabled (Configuration > Setup > Credit Card Interface > Functionality Setup) but the EFT interface is not available at the time a guest checks in, we recommend that you use the Manual Approval option rather than switching the guest to an off-line payment method such as check or cash.

Note: When the RESERVATIONS > PAYMENT TYPES PER WINDOW application function is set to Y, this option is accessed by selecting the Manual button from the Authorization screen (see Authorization, below). The Additional Authorization screen displayed is associated with the window/payment type record highlighted on the Authorization screen.

The Manual Authorization screen displays the following fields:

Payment Type. (View only.) The credit card type.

Credit Card. (View only.) Credit card number.

Note: For security reasons, the information associated with the credit card is displayed as a series of asterisks. The asterisks will resolve to the masked credit card number. For users that are granted the RESERVATION > CREDIT CARD INFORMATION VIEW permission, they can double-click on the masked credit card number to display it and to unmask Exp. Date. When this action is completed, an entry is logged into the User Log recording the user ID, date & time, action performed, etc. See User Log Activity for details.

Expiry Date. (View only.) Credit card expiration date.

Currently Authorized Amount. (View only.) Amount currently approved for this card.

Note: When the RESERVATIONS > EXCLUDE DEPOSIT FROM AUTH BASED ON ROUTING application parameter to Y, the deposit amount will be excluded from this authorization amount, provided the user has created a routing instruction to a different payee and that the deposit ledger transaction code is routed to a different window.

Current Guest Balance. (View only.) Amount currently owed.

Amount Manually Approved . Enter the additional amount that has been approved. (A zero amount may be entered here, if appropriate.)

Approval Code. Enter the approval code (provided by the credit card company) authorizing this charge.

When all information has been entered, click OK to return to the Credit Cards Menu screen. The guest's Reservation screen is automatically updated with the new authorized amount and the approval code.

Manual Approval - Payment and Settlement

When the Online Settlements and Temporarily Store Offline Settlements check boxes are selected from Configuration > Setup > Property Interface > Credit Card Interface > Functionality Setup and you are posting a payment or settlement, you may use the Manual button to enter manual approval should the interface timeout.

Note: For an Offline Credit Card Settlement, the Manual button is only available on the Credit Card Authorization screen for an authorization only. The Manual button will not be available when performing an offline authorization as well as an offline settlement at the same time, which could be the case for standalone payments or folio settlements when using a credit card that has had no previous authorization completed.

A temporary offline settlement record is created when making a payment or performing a folio settlement with a credit card if the credit card interface times out but there exists sufficient authorization on that credit card. The folio will still be settled or a payment will still be posted without actually sending the settlement to the vendor. Such settlement is stored as an offline settlement and can be attempted to be settled at a later time when the interface is active. This can occur either via the night audit Offline Credit Card Settlement process or a user can manually perform settlement via Cashiering > Credit Cards > Settlement option.

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Authorization Rule

Note: This feature works only for EFT interfaces that support pre-authorization and where the Night Audit Remote Authorization and/or Authorization at Check In feature is selected in Configuration > Setup > Credit Card Interface > Functionality Setup.

Note: The Authorization Rule credit card option is available when the RESERVATIONS > PAYMENT TYPES PER WINDOW application function is set to N for reservations in any status.

The authorization rule is a formula that is applied to determine the anticipated total expenses that may be charged to the guest's credit card. A default authorization rule is usually set for the property. The rule is automatically applied to each guest's reservation; however, it can be changed by selecting the Authorization Rule button on the Credit Cards Menu screen.

The authorization rule is used to calculate the anticipated expense amount for the guest and to obtain the required authorization. The guest's Reservation screen is automatically updated with the new authorized amount and the approval code during the Night Audit procedure.

You will not normally need to change the default authorization rule for a guest's credit card unless there are unusual circumstances (for example, for guests with multiple night stays and/or when multiple guests are charging to the same credit card). See Authorization Rules for details.

Note: Authorization Rules 7 and 8 are unavailable if the RESERVATIONS > EXCLUDE RATE FROM AUTH BASED ON ROUTING application parameter is set to Y.

Note: On the day of check out, an authorization executes using the authorization rule attached to the reservation  the first time the hotel performs either a manual or batch authorization. This procedure helps to eliminate an excessive number of individual authorizations on the day of check out, particularly where guests stay and use the hotel facilities on the day of departure.

Horizontal Rule

Additional Authorization

Note: Available for users who have been granted the CC Authorization on a Reservation permission for reservations that have a status of one of the following:

- Checked In
- Prospect or Reserved and has a Pre-Stay Privilege or the RESERVATIONS > CC PRE CHECK IN AUTHORIZATION application parameter is set to Y.
- Checked Out and has Post-Stay Privilege or has an open folio
- No Show or Canceled and the CASHIERING > NO SHOW AND CANCELATION POSTINGS application function is set to Y.

The property default authorization rule typically determines the basic amount of expenses that may be charged to a guest's credit card. If you need to authorize an additional amount to be charged to the guest's credit card, select the Additional Authorization option from the Credit Cards Menu (this option is available when the Authorization During Stay check box on the Credit Cards Functionality Setup screen is selected (Configuration > Setup > Property Interface > Credit Card Interface > Functionality Setup). You may also use the Additional button from the Authorization screen (see the Authorization section, below).

The Additional Authorization screen appears and if the IFC > CREDIT CARD PROMPT application setting is set to Always, the user will be asked if they want to swipe the card or not. But when the IFC > CREDIT CARD PROMPT application setting is set to Prompt, the swipe the credit card prompt will only be displayed when an authorization no longer exists for this credit card or this is the first authorization for this credit card.

Note: If the Force Auth. During Check In/Interactive Auth. Window check box is selected on the Credit Cards Functionality Setup screen, the EFT interface authorization window is interactively displayed and remains on screen until the authorization process is finalized. For additional authorizations, if proper authorization is not granted (that is, if authorization is declined, timed out, etc.) the authorization window may be manually closed and other activities may continue.

Note: When the RESERVATIONS > PAYMENT TYPES PER WINDOW application function is set to Y, this option is accessed by selecting the Additional button from the Authorization screen (see Authorization, below).  The Additional Authorization screen displayed is associated with the window/payment type record highlighted on the Authorization screen.

Payment Method. (View only.) The credit card type.

Credit Card. (View only.) Credit card number. When the credit card icon displays at the end of the field, the Credit Card Vault functionality is active. See Credit Card Vault for details.

Expiration Date. (View only.) Credit card expiration date.

Currently Authorized Amount. (View only.) Amount currently approved for this card.

Current Guest Balance. (View only.) Amount currently owed.

Additional Authorization Amount. Enter the extra dollar amount that needs to be authorized on the credit card.

Enter the additional amount to authorize and click OK.

The EFT interface will contact the credit card company for approval. After a brief wait, an approval will be returned authorizing or declining the additional charges. There may also be a promotional message from the credit card company included as part of the credit card authorization information. Read this message to the guest if doing so is the policy at your property.

Note: Different message styles will appear based on application settings and interfaces that the property has set up.

Approval Code. Displays the approval code obtained from the guest's credit card company. "Not Approved" or another message appears here if the authorization is declined. The status and text of a failed credit card transaction are displayed in red when the authorization is declined.

The amount, credit card number, and type is then displayed for verification.

Note: The Payment code displayed on this screen is the user defined code from the Payment Type field on the Payment Types screen.

Click OK to close the screen and return to the Credit Cards Menu screen. The guest's Reservation screen is automatically updated with the new authorized amount and the approval code.

Note: Ten seconds following successfully authorization, this screen closes automatically.

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Note: This option is available when the RESERVATIONS > PAYMENT TYPES PER WINDOW application function is set to Y.

The Authorization screen shows all credit card payment types for the guest, along with the window associated with each. See Manual Approval and Additional Authorization, above, for information about the use of the Manual button and the Additional button.

Note: The Additional button is available prior to checkin if the RESERVATIONS > CC PRE CHECKIN AUTHORIZATION application parameter is set to Y, regardless of whether Authorization at Checkin is selected on the Credit Card Interface Configuration screen (Configuration > Setup > Property Interfaces > Credit Card Interface > Functionality Setup). Additional authorization prior to checkin may be obtained only for credit card payment types that are marked as "EFT" on the Transaction Code Setup screen and that do not have the "SV" IFC CC Type associated with them in Payment Type setup (Configuration > Cashiering > Payment Types) and that are not set up as Authorization Settlement at Check Out (Configuration > Setup > Property Interfaces > Credit Card Interface > Functionality Setup).

Note: For security reasons, the information associated with the credit card is displayed as a series of asterisks. The asterisks will resolve to the masked credit card number. For users that are granted the RESERVATION > CREDIT CARD INFORMATION VIEW permission, they can double-click on the masked credit card number to display it. When this action is completed, an entry is logged into the User Log recording the user ID, date & time, action performed, etc. See User Log Activity for details.

Horizontal Rule

Credit Card History - Authorization History Screen

Select the Credit Card History option from the Credit Cards Menu to see a summary of the authorization activity for the guest. The Authorization History screen appears.

Note: The Credit Card History button is available for reservations in any status.

The Authorization History screen is also available by selecting the History button from the Credit Card Settlement screen.

Search Criteria

Authorization. Selected by default, searches for all of the authorizations that have been processed for the guest in the past.

Settlement. Select to display all of the credit card settlements that have been processed for the guest in the past.

Refunds. Select to display the refunds that have been posted to the guest's credit card in the past.

Failures. Select to display failed credit card authorizations.

Credit Card History Grid

Date. Date when approval was obtained.

Time. Time when approval was obtained.

Note: When the Batch Settlement option is selected (Configuration > Setup > Property Interfaces > Credit Card Interface > Credit Card Functionality Setup), and the user makes a payment using a credit card, authorization and payment records are displayed in the Authorization History screen. The Time column will display the time when the actual payment was posted in OPERA. Since this is a batch settlement, the settlement is not immediately sent to the merchant. When the batch settlement takes place, either manually or via End Of Day, the Time column for the payment record will be updated to reflect the actual time when the settlement was finally sent to the merchant. The reservation changes log also displays appropriate entries regarding the payment and batch settlement with correct time value.

Amount. Amount of approval.

Approval. Approval code for the authorization.

CC Type. Credit card type.

Credit Card. Credit card number.

Note: For security reasons, the information associated with the credit card is displayed as a series of asterisks. The asterisks will resolve to the masked credit card number. For users that are granted the RESERVATION > CREDIT CARD INFORMATION VIEW permission, they can double-click on the masked credit card number to display it and to unmasked Exp. Date. When this action is completed, an entry is logged into the User Log recording the user ID, date & time, action performed, etc. See User Log Activity for details.

Expiration. Expiration date.


Auth/Settle. Authorization or Settlement in this column indicates whether the record applies to an authorization or settlement.

Card Entry. Indicates the card entry method: Swiped, Chip, Manual, or blank when unknown (when chip-and-PIN [EMV] is active, this is dependent on the vendor providing the card entry method).

User. User name of the user performing the transaction requiring authorization.

Status. Status of the authorization. Successful, Pending, or Failed. An offline settlement will display with a Pending status.

Failure Reason. If the authorization failed, the reason for failure.


Log. Displays the Credit Card activity log (see Credit Card Transaction Log for details).

Report. Displays the Credit Card Authorization History (cc_auth_history) report that includes information from the grid. The Card Entry column indicates the card entry method: Swiped, Chip, Manual, or blank when unknown.

See Also