Membership Awards
To begin configuring the awards that will be available for redemption of award points associated with a particular membership type, select the Awards button from the Membership Type New or Edit screen (Configuration > Profile > Memberships > Types). The Membership Awards screen appears. This screen lists the awards that have been configured for the current membership type. In ORS/OCIS, you may create new awards and edit existing awards. In PMS, this screen is read-only.
Note: Award points are redeemed for awards which have been configured for each membership type. Awards can take the form of products (such as champagne, chocolates, flowers, or a facial), special room rates, room type upgrades, or other "perks" such as a choice of gifts from a third-party catalog. Awards can be offered based on specific valid dates, the member's tier or level, and other factors.
Award Code. Select the down arrow to display and choose from the Award Codes LOV.
Awards Based On. Select the down arrow to choose the type of award (Product, Rate, Upgrade, FT Payment or Other). Each is explained below under "Creating and Editing Awards":
Valid for Date. Enter the date manually or select the calendar tool to define the begin date for the awards you want to find.
Inactive. Select this check box to display only inactive awards. When this check box is not selected, only active awards are displayed (those still relevant during this date).
The Award grid lists the awards associated information with a particular membership type
Seq. Sequence number that controls the position of the award when displayed in lists. Awards without a sequence number are listed alphabetically following awards that have been assigned a sequence number.
Award Code. Code assigned to this membership award.
From Date/To Date. Date range for when the award is available.
Base On. The type of award, such as Product, Upgrade, Rate, Other or FT Payment.
Member Level. The membership level required for eligibility to receive this award.
Distribute. (Displayed if a Rate, Upgrade, Product or FT Payment award type is highlighted.) Select to distribute a highlighted membership award record to the interfaced PMS databases through OXI HUB.
Note: Only Rate, Upgrade, Product or FT Payment award types can be distributed.
Details. Select to add, edit, or review specific information supporting the award. For example, for rate-based awards you can select and manage the rate codes to which the award applies. For product-based awards, you can select packages, for upgrade-based awards you can select the room types that can be upgraded, and so on.
Note: The Details button is not available for Other-based awards.
Delete. Select this button to delete an award. The award will be made inactive. It may be made active again by un-selecting the Inactive check box on the Membership Awards - Edit screen.
To create a new award, select the New button. To edit an existing award, highlight your choice on the Membership Awards screen and select the Edit button. The Membership Awards - New or the Membership Awards - Edit screen appears.
Award Code. Code that designates this award.
Label. Descriptive name for the award. This description appears on reports, folios, and elsewhere to describe the award.
Display Sequence. The sequence number for this award. This number determines the position of the award when it appears in a LOV.
Begin Sell Date/End Sell Date. Type the date manually or select the calendar tool to enter the date when this award becomes available.
Rule Schedule. Select the down arrow and choose a rule schedule from the list of values. This will apply the selected rule schedule to the membership award. For information on setting up a rule schedule for an award, see Award Schedule.
Note: Only one rule schedule can be assigned to a membership award type.
Billing Group. The billing group that represents a billing rule schedule for the membership award. Select the down arrow and choose a billing group from the list of values. For more information, see Membership Billing Groups.
Membership Level. Select the down arrow to display the membership Levels LOV. Choose the membership level required for eligibility to receive this award. Other membership levels are not eligible for this award.
Inactive. Select this check box to make the award unavailable. The award record cannot be deleted.
Based on Room Group. (Available when Upgrade is selected for the award based on) Select to base the upgrade on a room group. For more information about room groups, see Membership Award Room Groups Setup.
Description. A text description of this award. Use this area to provide any details about the award that might be useful, for example, when describing the award to members.
Cancel Penalty Days. If a reservation is booked using award points, this is the number of days before the arrival date by which the reservation may be canceled without penalty. Zero indicates that the reservation may be canceled any time up to and including the arrival date without incurring a penalty. The Cancel Penalty Charge field specifies the penalty incurred. (This option applies to awards based on Rates, Products, and Upgrades only.)
Cancel Penalty Charge. The flat number of award points, or the percentage of the award points, that are forfeited if the guest cancels the reservation fewer than the number of days specified in Cancel Penalty Days before the arrival date. (This option applies to awards based on Rates, Products, and Upgrades only.)
Award Based On. If an existing award is being edited, this field is read-only. If this is a new award, select the down arrow to select the basis of the award. Different screens will appear after your selection, dependent upon the type of award being created. Options include:
Note: For a product (package) code to be valid for selection as an award, the Redemption check box must be selected on the Packages Edit screen (System Configuration > Rate Management > Packages > Codes).
Note: For a rate code to be valid for selection as an award, the Redemption check box must be selected on the Rate Setup screen's Rate Header tab (Configuration > Rate Management > Rate Codes).
Points Required. The number of points required to redeem this award.
Value. The actual value of the award, in the amount of currency.
Message 1/2/3/4. You can enter text to send to the member. There are four message sections, each allowing up to 4,000 characters each.
Display Set. Select the Display Set you want associated with this award. The Display Set was created in the Configuration > Memberships > Award Screen Design. See Export to Fulfillment House Screen Design.
See Also