Contract Housekeeping Tab
When the OPV_<version number> OPERA Vacation Ownership System license code is active and the Rooms Management>Facility Management application function is set to Y, the Housekeeping tab within an Owner contract allows properties to set up different rules for the scheduling and cost of housekeeping tasks for a unit. If housekeeping costs are not handled in the contract between the hotel and the owner, then this tab should be left empty. By leaving this tab empty, the rules of facility management apply, thereby taking the Facility Tasks and their frequency from the Room Type Configuration for hotel rooms. By defining information here in the housekeeping tab, the rules and frequency take precedence over the room type's facility management schedules.
Note: When a reservation is assigned to a unit with a contract in a Negotiated state, the housekeeping task schedule for the unit will be taken from the room type. When a reservation is assigned to a unit with a contract in an Actual state, then the housekeeping task schedule for the unit is taken from the configured schedule on the Housekeeping tab.
The Housekeeping Tab of the Owner's Contract screen displays the following information.
Task. Select the down arrow to choose a housekeeping facility task to be completed from the list of values (see Housekeeping Tasks for details).
Description. Displays the description for the housekeeping task.
Seq. Enter the order of succession for items to appear in a list by assigning them a numeric order.
Schedule. Select the down arrow to choose how often the housekeeping task should be completed. Each schedule option allows for specific details to be attached for when the task should be completed.
Occupied By. Select who is occupying the unit from the drop down list of values. Different task schedules can be setup depending on who is occupying the unit.
Post To. Select whether to post the housekeeping fee to the owner, reservation, or fractional owner (see note). For example, when hotel guests are in the unit, the housekeeping cost is absorbed into the contractual agreement. But when the owner or his authorized users are staying in the unit, they are responsible for paying the fee. If housekeeping fees are not required, then leave the field blank.
Note: The Fractional Owner option is available when the Ownership>Fractional Ownership application function is set to Y and the contract is a fractional contract. If a fee is selected to be posted to the ‘Fractional Owner’ it will follow the revenue % from the fractional setup for the period, if it is setup to be posted for the ‘Owner’ it will follow existing revenue % from the Owners Tab. 'Reservation' posts the fee to the guest reservation.
Trn. Code. Select the down arrow to select the transaction code for the task if a fee is applicable for the housekeeping task.
Amount. Enter the cost involved for each housekeeping task. Amounts are posted to either the owner account or hotel guest folio during the night audit.
New. Select to create a new housekeeping task.
Save. Select to save all of the modifications made to the Housekeeping tab.
OK. Select to save and close out of the Housekeeping tab.
Delete. Select to delete the highlighted housekeeping task.
Close. Select to close out of the Housekeeping tab of the contract.
See Also