Forecast Analysis Tab
The Forecast Analysis tab displays past, current, and forecasted room and reservation data. This is a comprehensive and dynamic screen, helping you better view and understand your property's business. The summarized data can be divided and dissected (sliced and diced) allowing you to see the information from different perspectives. The Forecast Analysis tab presents on-the-books and forecasted data in graphs and grids, providing filters for your specified views. All data can be viewed by Yield Category and Booking Class. You can also view the data segmented by groupings of market codes, source codes, channel codes and rate categories, depending on the graph selected. The groupings of market codes, source codes, channel codes and rate categories presented here were defined in Configuration Tab Forecast Groups.
ORMS FORECAST ANALYSIS - This permission grants the user access to the Forecast Analysis tab. All functions on the Forecast Analysis screen will be available to the user with this permission (view, create, edit, delete). If this permission is not granted, the Forecast Analysis screen is disabled and grayed out.
The Calendar section of the screen displays a four month window for future dates and displays the dates in which an event is occurring by underlining the date. Should the date be colored, this indicates that there is a minimum of 1 alert for this date. Move the pointer over the date to display the alerts and events that exist for the date. The colors for alerts are user definable from the Configuration Tab>Alerts and Rules Tab (See Configuration Tab Alerts and Rules for details). Select the dates required and select the Search button.
The Graphs section gives a visual representation of the data for the dates selected in the calendar, and by the filters selected. The graphs include the following:
Note: This graph only displays the RevPAR OTB and RevPAR Forecast lines when all Yield Categories and Booking Classes are selected. As soon as a Yield Category or Booking Class becomes unselected, or the user only views by Transient, Allotment, Transient Yieldable or Transient Non-Yieldable Revenue, only the ADR OTB and ADR Forecast lines display in the graph.
Under the graphs is a breakdown of the statistics that calculate the graph: Series and Daily Room Grid.
The series options displayed here depend on the graph and filters selected. One option at a time in the Series Grid can be selected for viewing the statistics on the Daily Room Count Grid. (Appears for all graphs except ADR and RevPAR.)
Select. Select the option button for the series option desired.
Series Code. The code identifying the series to be displayed.
Description. The description of the series code.
This grid is informational only. It displays room data for the selected series in the Series Grid for the dates selected on the calendar. (Appears for all graphs except ADR and RevPAR.)
Series. The name of the Series option selected in the Series Grid.
Code. The code of the Series option selected in the Series Grid.
Stay Date. The date selected in the calendar, indicating the stay date.
Rooms. The number of rooms affected by this series option, for the date. The rooms are viewed by selecting the Display Filter of All (both On the Books and Forecasted), only On The Books, or only Forecasted.
Total Rooms. The total number of rooms for all series of that particular Filter, for that date.
This grid only appears when the ADR and RevPAR graph is selected. The grid items display when appropriate, depending on the filters selected.
Stay Date. The stay date as selected on the calendar.
ADR OTB. The Average Daily Rate (ADR) on the books for that date.
ADR Forecast. The Average Daily Rate (ADR) forecast for that date.
RevPAR OTB. The on the books Revenue per Available Room (RevPAR) for that date.
RevPAR Forecast. The forecasted Revenue per Available Room (RevPAR) for that date.
The available filters displayed here depend on the graph selected. You can select, or deselect, any of the visible check boxes to further specify the statistics in the graph and corresponding grids below the graphs. Make your choices and select the Apply Filters button.
The Display option buttons let you select even further how you want to view your data. The Display options depend on the Graph selected. Make your choices and select the Apply Filters button.
All. Displays both OTB and forecasted rooms by yield category.
On the Books. Displays only OTB rooms by yield category.
Forecast. Displays only forecasted rooms by yield category.
All Yieldable. Displays all yieldable rooms by yield category, based on the selection of All, On The Books, or Forecasted display option.
Non-Yieldable. Displays all non-yieldable rooms by yield category, based on the selection of All, On The Books, or Forecasted display option.
All. Displays both OTB and forecasted transient rooms by yield category.
On the Books. Displays only OTB transient rooms by yield category.
Forecast. Displays only forecasted transient rooms by yield category.
Occupancy. Displays the number of Occupied transient rooms, based on the selection of All, On The Books, or Forecasted display option.
Arrivals. Displays the number of Arrival transient rooms, based on the selection of All, On The Books, or Forecasted display option.
Departures. Displays the number of Departure transient rooms, based on the selection of All, On The Books, or Forecasted display option.
All. Displays both yieldable and non-yieldable transient rooms by yield category.
Yieldable. Displays all yieldable transient rooms by yield category, based on the selection of All, On The Books, or Forecasted display option.
Non-Yieldable. Displays all non-yieldable transient rooms by yield category, based on the selection of All, On The Books, or Forecasted display option.
All. Displays both OTB and forecasted transient rooms by booking class.
On the Books. Displays only OTB transient rooms by booking class.
Forecast. Displays only forecasted transient rooms by booking class.
Occupancy. Displays the number of Occupied transient rooms, based on the selection of All, On The Books, or Forecasted display option.
Arrivals. Displays the number of Arrival transient rooms, based on the selection of All, On The Books, or Forecasted display option.
Departures. Displays the number of Departure transient rooms, based on the selection of All, On The Books, or Forecasted display option.
All. Displays both yieldable and non-yieldable transient rooms by booking class.
Yieldable. Displays all yieldable transient rooms by booking class, based on the selection of All, On The Books, or Forecasted display option.
Non-Yieldable. Displays all yieldable transient rooms by booking class, based on the selection of All, On The Books, or Forecasted display option.
All. Displays all forecasted blocks (Forecasted Block Rooms on the Home Tab).
On the Books. Displays inventory that is being held for the block (Deductible Block Rooms on the Home Tab).
Forecast. Displays remaining forecasted blocks (Forecasted - Sold).
All. Displays both OTB and forecasted transient rooms by market code group.
On the Books. Displays only OTB transient rooms by market code group.
Forecast. Displays only forecasted transient rooms by market code group.
All. Displays both OTB and forecasted transient rooms by source code group.
On the Books. Displays both OTB and forecasted transient rooms by source code group.
Forecast. Displays only forecasted transient rooms by source code group.
All. Displays both OTB and forecasted transient rooms by channel code group.
On the Books. Displays both OTB and forecasted transient rooms by channel code group.
Forecast. Displays only forecasted transient rooms by channel code group.
All. Displays both OTB and forecasted transient rooms by rate category group.
On the Books. Displays both OTB and forecasted transient rooms by rate category group.
Forecast. Displays only forecasted transient rooms by rate category group.
All. Displays all rooms by ADR and RevPAR.
Allotment. Displays only the picked up rooms belonging to a block.
Transient. Displays only the transient rooms.
Transient Yieldable. Displays only the transient yieldable rooms.
Transient Non-YIeldable. Displays only the transient non-yieldable rooms.
See Also