Reservations Report Group
Alerts - The Alerts report will display all guests with an attached Alert that falls within the date range selected on the attached RES10.FMX. The Alert functionality is based on the activation of the Alerts application function located in the Reservation group of Application Settings.
Arrivals: Detailed - The Expected Arrival List Report will display all reservations meeting the specified criteria for the selected date range.
Arrivals with Scheduled Activities - The Arrivals with Schedule Activities report will display reservations with schedule Spa Activities.
Cancellation Report - The Cancellation Report displays all cancellations for a specified date range, including the current business date. But this report will not include pseudo rooms in its data results.
Detailed Availability - The Detailed Availability Report displays availability based on room types for a specified date range. The report can reflect either Availability or Occupancy.
Duplicate Reservations - The Duplicate Reservation report, with reservation arrival date range, identifies multiple reservations for the same guest.
Forecast Future Occupancy - After you select a date range, you can calculate a summarized Forecasted Occupancy. This includes the projected arrivals and departures for a specific date. The report can be run from the current business date to any date in the future.
Housekeeping Forecast - The Housekeeping Forecast Report displays the number of guests who have arrived, departed, or are stay-overs and then the number of Arrival rooms, departure rooms, and the rooms that have been marked for evening service, for a specified day or date range.
Individual Profile Productivity - Summary - The report output is a summary of Reservation statistics for Individual Profiles only. This means no Companies, Travel agents etc. will display in the report output, even in cases where a Reservation is made directly against a Company, Travel Agent, etc.
No Show Extended Reservations - The No Show Extended Reservations Report will display all Reservations that were due to Arrive, and the Arrival Date was automatically rolled to the next business date.
Rate Change Report - The Rate Change Report displays all of the Due In, In House, and Checked In reservations that have had the Rate Code or rate amount updated on a specific date.
Rate Code Refresh - The Rate Code Refresh report (rate_code_refresh_bi with GEN4.fmx) shows those reservations that have been successfully and unsuccessfully refreshed for a specific Activity Date (From/To date range) and Rate Codes.
Reservation Booking Pace - The Reservation Booking Pace captures how many individual and block reservations were on the books on any specific day, and tracks booking trends to maximize revenues.
Reservation By - The Reservation By Report displays all reservations for a specific date range and the type of filter you choose.
Reservation Entered On and By - The Reservations Entered On and By Report displays reservation agents’ reservation statistics. Print this report to get a listing of production activity on individual or all reservation agents.
Reservation Pre-Blocked - The Reservation Pre-Blocked Report allows the user to determine what room assignments have been made then to see the Front Office status of the room and the housekeeping status. This is useful when run for the current business date as the front desk can keep track of the room status and make a room blocking change when necessary.
Reservation Rate Check - The Reservation Rate Check report compares the price charged on the reservation versus the price setup on the rate detail for that room type stored in the RTC field. The report should look at the total price being charged including all shares to determine if the reservation should be highlighted as a variance. Reservations without a rate code should not be included on the report since there will be no variance to report against.
Reservation Refresh - This report shows those reservations that have been successfully and unsuccessfully updated for a specific Activity Date (From/To date range) via the Rate Header refresh and Auto Attach Element refresh process.
Reservation Summary Report - The Reservation Summary Report provides a summarized breakdown per day of all Reservation activity in the property.
Reservation with Discounts - The Reservation with Discounts report display a list of reservations which have discounts applied and meet the search criteria selected.
Reservations - Made Yesterday - The Reservations Made Yesterday Report displays the hotel reservation production from the previous day.
Reservations for Repeat Guests - The Reservations for Repeat Guests report displays reservations for the specified Arrival Date range that have an attached profile that has stayed at your property at least one time. To display on the report the reservation has to be in a RESERVED or DUE IN status.
Reservations Repeat Guest - The Reservations Repeat Guest report will display all Reservations for the specified Arrival Date range, that have an attached Profile that has stayed at your property as least one time in the past.
Reservations with Notes - The Reservations with Notes report displays all notes attached to the Reservation and Primary Profile which can be filtered by note type, include internal notes, and exclude notes older than a selected date. Reservations are selected by Arrival date range.
Reservations with Rate Changes - The Reservations with Rate Changes report provides visibility on guests with rate changes and allow the property to tailor their welcome letter and other information to address any additional amenities and packages that the guest is entitled to due to their rate change.
Reservations with Room Class Upgrades - The Reservation with Room Class Upgrades displays details of when an upgrade discrepancy has been created, as well as identifying reservations based on the booked room class from the RTC field compared with the blocked room class from the Room Type field.
Reservations with TA Profile Changes - The Reservations with TA Profile Changes displays all Travel Agent profile modifications made to Reservations after the booking has been created, including IATA Number changes and Name changes.
Restrictions Detail - The report can also be run for up to 90 days prior to the current business date, to display the restrictions that were in place on a given date.
Room Plan - The Room Plan Report displays a functionally enhanced summary of the availability of each individual room in the property, showing 15 days per display.
Turnaway Details - The Turnaway Details report displays the details for each turnaway in a group-by format.
Turnaway DMY - The report shows how many rooms have been turned away for a selected stay date and the MTD and YTD values, i.e. how many rooms have been turned away between the beginning of the month/year and the selected stay date. The report does NOT show when those reservations have been turned away.
Upsell - Available when the Reservations>Reservation Upsell application function being set to Y, this report displays any guests who paid additional monies to be upgraded to another room type. Hotels can use this information to track the number of Upsells and Additional Room Revenue Front Desk agents generated at check-in.
Waitlist - The Reservations Waitlist Report displays details about guests whose reservations cannot be made because of lack of availability.