Financials Report Group
Financial Report Group
Auto Settlement Transaction - Displays all of the folios that have been settled automatically.
Cashier Audits - The Cashier Audit will display all Payments that have been posted for the selected Business Date.
Comp Open Balance - The Comp Open Balance report will sum and account for the total open balance of all charges posted to comp windows or comp transaction codes that are not yet settled, for reporting revenue accurately.
Corrections and Cancelled Payment - The Corrections and Canceled Payments Report displays all corrections by Cashier ID and can be run by transaction code range. This Journal displays all same-day reversals (debits) made to posting slips. Adjustments are made to previous days postings, or claimed revenue.
Credit Card Rebates - The Credit Card Rebates report displays credit card rebate overrides. The date, time, name of the credit card holder, folio number, credit card type, credit card number, amount, override (Y/N), and the cashier/user who entered the rebate.
Currency Exchange Summary - The report output displays per Currency Code, the amount of monies exchanged for the selected date.
Deposit Ledger - The Deposit Ledger Report is used by the Accounting Department to determine how much deposit revenue has been posted in the hotel for the date specified in the report filter.
Detailed Folio - This report was developed to meet reporting requirements for properties located in Poland. The intent is to display the all amounts posted to a guest folio for the specified date. A summary of all folios generated.
Effective Package Allowance - The Effective Allowance Report provides a summarized list of all packages that are in use for the current business date. It provides a detailed breakdown of all package charges, including the allowance balance as compared to the actual package debits and credits.
Effective Package Allowance TB - The Effective Allowance TB report provides a summarized list of all packages for which the package wrapper has been posted for the current/past business date while the reservation is/was in-house.
Effective Package Distribution Detail - The Effective Package Distribution Detail Report provides a detailed breakdown of all package charges broken down for each room.
Financial Payment and Revenue - The Financial Payment and Revenue Report displays a sum of all transactions posted for the date specified.
Financial Transactions by Block - The Financial Transactions by Block allows the property to see the Revenues, Taxes, and package credits generated by specific Blocks and for specific Transaction Codes.
Financial Transactions by Tax Type - The report displays each transaction posted for the dates selected. This report is different from other financial transaction reports in that it is intended to display the Taxes posted. The output groups by the Tax Transaction Code and then subgroups by the Transaction Code the Tax is attached. If there was a posting without a Tax Transaction code attached, these are grouped together under ‘No Tax’.
Financial Transactions with Generates - The report output lists each transaction code and the corresponding amounts for the dates specified in the filter. Also included is a breakdown of the taxes and package credits attached to each transaction code posted. Also included is the user that posted each transaction.
Financial Transactions by Folio No. The report output lists transactions per folio created by the selected workstations during the report timeframe. The report shows only transactions that would have been visible on the folio and Billing screen and omits internal transactions.
Folio Tax Revenue - Use this report to display the total of all charges posted to a guest on a particular date. If charges were routed and paid for by another guest, the other guest’s total will reflect these charges.
Folio Tax - Style 01 - This report was developed to meet reporting requirements for properties located in Spain to display the breakdown of VAT Tax that was posted on each reservation for a specified date range.
Folio Tax - Style 02 - This report was developed to meet reporting requirements for properties located in Poland. The intent is to display the breakdown of VAT Tax that was posted on each reservation for a specified date range. To save paper the report will print only those tax groups (1 to 10) that were actually used in the requested time frame.
Folio Tax - Style 03 - This report was developed to meet reporting requirements for properties located in Portugal. The intent is to display the breakdown of VAT Tax that was posted on each reservation for a specified date range.
Folio Tax - Style 04 - This report was developed to meet reporting requirements for properties located in Turkey. The will display the breakdown of VAT Tax that were used on each reservation for a specified date range.
Folio Tax - Style 05 - This report was developed to meet reporting requirements for properties located in India. The will display the breakdown of Luxury Tax that were used on each reservation for a specified date range.
Guest Ledger - The Guest Ledger Report displays the current balance associated with in-house guests for today.
Guest Ledger Snapshot - The Guest Ledger Snapshot report displays picture/overview for a property for that current business date.
Guest Trial Balance - The Guest Trial Balance Report displays all guests in house and their folio balances for a specific date equal to or less than the current Business Date.
Inter Hotel Account Transactions - The Inter hotel Account Transactions report displays transactions that are still owed to the property.
Invoices of Today's C/O by Bill Number - The Invoices of Today's Check Out by Bill Number Report displays all guests who have checked out today by billing number (invoice).
Italian Folio Tax - The Italian Folio Tax reports will print statistical information for all bills and is formatted based on the style of the report selected. The report output is grouped by folio types and displays the Net, VAT and Gross revenue for all bills generated in the property.
Journal by Cashier and Article Code - The Journal by Cashier and Article Code will display one line for each posted Article for the selected date. Similar to other financial reports, this allows you to see when, to whom and who posted an Article to a Reservation or an AR Account.
Journal by Foreign Currency - The Journal by Foreign Currency will display all posting for today that were posted in a currency not equal to the Properties Base Currency.
Journal by Transaction Code - The Journal By Transaction Code Report displays each posted transaction code individually and the corresponding amount for a particular date.
Open Balances: All - The Open Balances All Report displays the current balance on Reservations or Blocks. This includes advance deposits.
Package Postings - The Package Postings Report displays all posted charges that have been associated with a package. This report provides users with summary information about package postings and serves as an audit trail on cashiers and transaction codes.
Paid Outs - The Paid Outs Report displays all the paid-out transactions of the day to guests and is generated during the Night Audit sequence.
Payment Tax Invoices - Developed to comply with legal requirements in Thailand. When generating a payment receipt, the sample_payment_tax must be configured and used. This will then store the information needed for the Payment Tax Invoices to display the appropriate information.
Room Revenue by Tax - The Room Revenue by Tax Type report displays the amount of Room Revenue generated within each Tax Type for a Reservation.
Tax Exempt - All generates of room transaction codes must match the tax types as well a be tax exclusive. Report does not include and does not display No Show or Cancelled Reservations.
Tax Report - The output contains the total amounts posted to a Company/Travel Agent/Source/Group Profile. The report output will display the Sequence Number, Tax Number, Net Amount and Tax amount posted to a Company, Travel Agents, Source, or Group Profiles.
Trial Balance - The trial balance will display a summarized financial status of the property for a specific date. The data displayed includes all transactions posted, and then a breakdown of business within each of the five Ledgers. The ledgers are Guest, AR, Deposit, Package and Inter Hotel. The Trial Balance can be used to assist in ensuring your property is balanced.
Userlog Transfers - Displays all folios that have been transferred to another guest or account for a specific date or range of dates.